Well-Known Member
Acts 18:26 clearly states that both Aquila and his wife Priscilla taught Apollos the way of God more perfectly. Luke was also writing under inspiration of God Holy Spirit. How do we reconcile the passages?Since Paul, under inspiration of The Holy Spirit, prohibited women to teach men; then what you propose would constitute a division in the Godhead.
Holy Spirit prohibited it and Jesus ordains it?????
First, It is significant that Priscilla is mentioned as part of the instruction at all, given the Jewish bias against women. She obviously contributed with her husband. Second, the instruction took place outside the congregation, after Apollos spoke. This is consistent with Paul’s instructions in 1 Timothy and 1 Corinthians concerning women not teaching men (in church) and keeping silent (in church)
Paul’s prohibition against women teaching men is in the context of church leadership. Paul was very concerned about orderly worship services and clearly wanted avoid any distractions.
There is no indication from scripture that women are “more easily deceived” than men. In fact, it was the women who understood Jesus was teaching He would die and anointed Him for His death with costly perfume.
The male disciples are usually portrayed as knuckleheads unable to understand what Jesus was saying and abandoned Him to His death while the women stood fast at the foot of the cross.
Jesus first appeared to the women and revealed He was risen and instructed the women to tell the men that very important spiritual truth.
peace to you