Did you miss the part about questioning the salvation of others in the rule? Are these your words, or did someone hack your computer?
Again: THIS IS NOT IN THE RULES ANYWHERE. Did you get that this time? Do I need to type it again? Here, let me post the rules, so you can examine them yourself...
"1. Be aware of forum Categories. We offer a wide range of forums. Most are for BAPTISTS only, to post opinions, views, beliefs and ideas. We also have a few forums for BAPTISTS and all other CHRISTIANS, with pertinent topics that relate to everyone.
2. Use discretion when posting.Not all topics are beneficial or edifying to the board. Topics and/or posts that would condone racism, every form of greed, selfishness, and vice, and all forms of sexual immorality, including but not limited to adultery, homosexuality, and pornography are strictly prohibited. In addition, topics and/or posts that seek to promote clearly unscriptural and controversial social and moral positions, such as abortion, are prohibited as well. The official position of The Baptist Board is that life begins at conception. Opinions, stated as fact, that would contradict the board's position on this issue will be edited or deleted entirely. The decision to deem a thread or post inappropriate will remain at the discretion of the Webmaster or his designee. Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
3. Show grace to the other posters. When someone disagrees with you, discuss it; but be slow to offend, and eager to get into the Word and find the answers. Remember, when discussing passionate issues, it is easy to go too far and offend. Further, if we are "earnestly contending for the faith" it would be unrealistic not to expect at times to be misunderstood or even ridiculed. But please note that your words can sometimes be harsh if used in the wrong way. The anger of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
4. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. The board has an edit button enabled. We encourage you to use it and edit your own words. Moderators and Administrators will be visibly proactive in dealing with potentially offensive situations. Posts of a violent or threatening nature, either implicitly or explicitly, will be deleted, and the poster's membership revoked. We encourage personal problems with other members be resolved privately via email or personal messaging.
5. No trolling. Trolling consists of provoking large volumes of responses by posting absurdities, deliberately offensive insults, etc.
6. No spamming. Don't flood the board with commercial posts, irrelevant or otherwise useless material.
7. No solicitation or advertising of any kind. Our message boards are for discussions, not to sell goods or services. If you would like to advertise, please contact us for an advertising package.
8. Use descriptive subject lines. This makes it easier for people to see what your post is about. Do not use another member's screen names in topic titles.
9. Post in the right forum. Keep posts on-topic, relative to the forum it's posted in.
10. Respect the privacy of others. Do not post phone numbers, home addresses, pictures, etc., without permission.
11. Each person may only have one account. People using multiple accounts may be banned.
12. Limit image size. Any image used in a post may not exceed the size of the BB logo at the top of the homepage.
13. No cross posting. Do not post the same message to more than one forum."
After this, follows the "User Agreement" (which is basically a restatement of the rules) Which ALSO does not have anything in it like this. It then says...
Please note at the bottom, it says...
"This is our
entire and
exclusive User Agreement and it
supersedes any earlier version."
So questioning a certain person or groups salvation is not against board rules at all. If someone says "I don't want to follow Jesus", and I say "Then you are not saved", this is not a breaking of the rules.
Perhaps I am missing some other rules somewhere? (even though the statement at the bottom of the user agreement; i.e the "supersedes" and "exclusive", would legally render them null and void...)