New Member
None of them, regardless of political philosophy should use such language.
The primary reason IMHO that his has been blow up so large is that Rush claims to be a spokesman for the GOP. I do not believe any of the ones you mentioned have climed to be the spokesman for the Democrats. And I am pretty sure none of those have claimed as Rush has that they are "Talent on loan from God".
But as far as I am concerned all who use such langauge should be barred from both radio and TV.
Rush DOES NOT claim to be a spokesman for the GOP. He takes them to task as often as he takes liberals and Democrats to task. Rush is a spokesman for CONSERVATIVE views in America. He makes that point clear on his show on almost a daily basis.
The "talent on loan from God" thing is not as bad as you make it seem. Do we not ALL have our gifts and talents "on loan from God?" That Rush uses that phrase tongue-in-cheek -- which you would know if you ever actually listened to him -- is merely a rhetorical devise to interject humor into his show and it says nothing other than what most people who understand God's gifts would hold. Seems a FAR CRY better than the way virtually ALL the Left treat God or God's people. Want more graphic examples?