And that's why it's legally classified as statutory rape, fully in compliance with the reasonable limitation on age regarding what minors can legally accomplish. Most 12 year olds aren't legally allowed to make decisions regarding a number of things because it's recognized that most 12 year olds aren't mature enough mentally or emotionally to make those decisions. Many 16 year olds, especially in our society today, aren't mature enough to make those decisions. Any 45 year old man is expected to have enough life experience, maturity, and wisdom to know this.Your qualifier seems an admission that rationally, it could not be called rape.
My point is rape, something violent and traumatic. One has to shut down rational thought to truly consider the hypothetical case we've been discussion either violent or traumatic for either party.
And if you've ever placed limitations on your own children when they were teen-agers--for example, not allowing them to date or be alone with teens their own age but of the opposite sex--then you've implicitly shown your support of this "reasoning."