Originally posted by Daniel David:
Wow, another bitter southerner that has to try and make his case for the loser South, ha ha.
will not descend to your level of mudslinging but I will point out a few rash errors that expose your ignorance and lack of temperance. The South lost the war in military terms but it retained its honor, dignity and glory. Furthermore, we have a saying: "Truth though crushed by might is still the truth." The South was right.
Your preceding tirade marks you for what you are more than anything that I could say. The readers will judge you by your intemperate words. So be it.
The South were nothing but a bunch of rag tag, terrorist, libertarians who hated having an authority over their head. The South started it, but the North crushed them like scum.
You raise some interesting points. Let's look at the word choice you used.
"rag tag" -- Yes, the Army of Northern Virginia, as well as the other Confederate armies, was under-manned, under-fed, and under-equipped, yet it held at bay and defeated the best equipped, best fed, and well manned Yankee armies that the North could field for four long years. Grant was amazed when he found that Lee had held him off at Petersburg with only about 20,000 men. They marched bare-foot and hungry in face of great obstacles but they fought hard and defeated the enemy. They were the best fighting army on earth at that time.
“terrorist” – This is an absolute
LIE! (Sorry, I just got carried away with such blatant nonsense.) When the Confederate army marched into PA prior to Gettysburg, Lee sternly instructed his men that they were not to take anything from the civilians without paying for it. On the other, there was the rape of the civilian South by Sherman and his bummers. Looting, pilfering, terrorizing the civilian population, etc. were the characteristics of the Yankees, not the Confederates. The civilians cheered John Hunt Morgan during his forays into Ohio. Southerners were gentlemen as a whole. History is not as kind to the Yankees.
“libertarians who hated having an authority over their head” -- Nonsense! Southerners weren’t libertarians. They wrote and approved a constitution that was more progressive and far thinking than the U.S. Constitution. Have you read the Confederate Constitution? They had a very orderly, benign, and freedom-loving government but they weren’t liberatarian. They stood in the same tradition as the American Revolution when the colonists demanded their rights as Englishmen; likewise Southerners demanded their rights of self-determination as sovereign states. They were morally and legally correct to do so.
“The South started it” -- Poppycock! Lincoln started it when he tried to force the South to remain in the Union. He could have allowed them their rights and let them go in peace. This is exactly what the South wanted. However, Mr. Lincoln wanted to be boss of all. He was the consummate politician—ambitious, designing, wily, etc.
“the North crushed them like scum” -- I don’t know what revisionist history books that you have been reading but this ain’t true. The Yankees struggled and struggled before winning the war. For a long while, it appeared that the North might lose. The crushing came only after the surrender when northern politicians, carpetbaggers, scalawags, et. al. raped a helpless people who surrendered honorably and in good faith. Have you ever heard of Reconstruction? It is a blot on American history when opportunists committed atrocities on a civilian population.
Deo Vindice