I once heard a story that took place about 200 years ago. There was an African tribesman who belonged to a tribe that worshiped a tree stump that Lightning had hit and burned. He did this for years until one day. All at once he was internally convicted that worshiping the stump was terribly wrong and that he should be worshiping the God that made the lightning AND the tree. He did this despite heavy persecution from his peers. He worshiped an unknown god. Later, he was captured and sold into slavery and came to Amercia. Once he was given liberties he heard a preacher speak of Jesus and his Completed work on the cross. He heard of wonderful pardon. He heard of all the wonderful attributes of the Saviour. All at once the realization shot through him like electricity! Jesus was the GOD in whom he once ignorantly worshiped!
There is a book titled Eternity in Their Hearts...title taken from a verse in Ecclessiastes reading that way in NIV, but not in the KJV....
anyway, the author has compiled stories shared by some missionaries or quoted from the lives of some missionaries like Hudson Taylor, where he met natives in the lands he went to that actually had stories passed on to them by word of mouth from their ancestors where they were supposed to wait for a stranger or strangers from far away lands who will show them "the way", or something like that.
I had the book but loaned it to a friend.
Interesting read, but, as always with something extrascriptural, to be taken with a wee grain of salt, even if we believe that God has His elect in all segments and chronology of this plane we call time.