If he was a calvinist, would not think like that at all, as non elect do not concern themselves with those kind of questions!
Nonsense, Calvinists are known for lack of assurance, prominent Calvinists like John Piper and R.C. Sproul have written on this problem. Look what Piper says and how closely it resembles this fellow's problem with belief;
John Piper said:The most agonizing problem about the assurance of salvation is not the problem of whether the objective facts of Christianity are true (God exists, Christ is God, Christ died for sinners, Christ rose from the dead, Christ saves forever all who believe, etc.). Those facts are the utterly crucial bedrock of our faith. But the really agonizing problem of assurance is whether I personally am saved by those facts.
This boils down to whether I have saving faith. What makes this agonizing - for many in the history of the church and today - is that there are people who think they have saving faith but don't. For example, in Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus says, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.'"
Piper is describing Biblicist's friend perfectly. He knows and believes all the facts, but he doubts if he has true saving faith. After all, Calvinism teaches that man is incapable of true saving faith. How is a man to know if he has been regenerated and graced with a genuine saving faith? This is a tremendous problem with Calvinists expressed over and over again.
Here is what another Calvinist writes and shows this same exact problem.
C. Michael Patton said:It may surprise you to know that just about every contact I have had with people who are doubting their salvation are Calvinistic in their theology. In other words, they believe in unconditional election. These are the ones who believe in perseverance of the saints. These are the ones that believe that we cannot lose our salvation! Yet these are the ones who are doubting their faith the most.
Their issue has to do with their election. Are they truly among the elect? If they are, they believe their faith will persevere until the end. But if they are not, there is no hope. But how are they to know for sure whether they are elect? Maybe their faith is a stated faith? Maybe it is false. The gentleman I talked to today was so riddled with doubt, he was having thoughts of suicide. “How do I know my faith is an elect faith?” He wanted assurance so badly, but felt that his Calvinistic theology prevented him from ever having such assurance.
Again, when you have been taught repeatedly that man is incapable of faith, then no man can know when he has genuine saving faith. This problem is seen over and over again in Calvinism and Reformed theology.
You cannot know if you have faith in this system, or if it is real. Perhaps you are simply self deluded, perhaps you have convinced yourself you have real faith but do not.
So, don't tell me Calvinists do not suffer from this problem, I know better. And a few honest Calvinsts like Piper and Patton openly confess this problem.
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