My answer to the op would be another question:
Why are we questioning someone else's salvation? Only God knows the heart and they will have to stand before God just as we will. So what's the problem? We don't like what they do? Change the channel or turn it off. We don't like the attention they bring to themselves and/or to Christ? Do we have to? For that matter I don't like a lot of what I read right hear on the BB. Should I rant and rave about how you only "claim" to be a Christian, but your fruit doesn't match mine so you should change YOUR ways (cause obviously *I* am the perfect one).
I think this whole discussion borders on "vain discourse". Including my own comments.
I think I would agree that some subjects here at the BB could be categorized as frivolous but I believe there is value to the O/P which would come under the heading of "situational ethics" which captivated the attention of the church a few years ago.
The present situational example given being a christian actor playing the part of giving/receiving a passionate kiss from another actor not his/her spouse.
I would say that the physical act of such is what makes it wrong (at least for me).
Though I am a Christian I know if I held a woman (not my wife) close in a physical embrace (though it were play acting) I am pretty sure that there would be a definite conflict between flesh and spirit (not to mention my wife's reaction).
There are other situations which could be included.
Did someone really "rant and rave" about this and/or question someone's salvation or just the impropriety of certain situations when acting?