Isaiah 56:4 For thus sayeth the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and TAKE HOLD OF MY COVENANT.
Isaiah 56::5 Even unto them will I give in my house and within my walls, a place and a name better than of sons and daughters: I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.
Isaiah 56:6 Also the sons of the strangers, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his servants, everyone that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, AND TAKETH HOLD OF MY COVENANT.
Cornelius was already regenerated as evidence by his righteous acts. When this happened is not revealed by the scripture, but we know how. He was saved in the same manner as we are today. Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." The NAME has been declared since and before the foundation of the world.
My Comment: OK. I think you are saying he was already regenerated before Acts 10. You say the evidence was his righteous acts. I say you can’t assume anything by someone’s righteous acts when you are talking about whether a man is regenerated or not. It’s too subjective. He could be doing all these good works but committing many terrible sins at the same time! Don’t think this doesn’t happen. What about the Pharisees? (Luke 18:10-11, Matt 23). Then you say Cornelius came in the same way we do today, that is, like in Acts 4:12, in the Name of Jesus. It couldn’t have been in the Name of Jesus before Peter preached Christ to him. He may have known about Christ but he didn’t know Christ. What does it mean to be saved in Christ’s NAME. Does it mean “Accepting Christ as Lord and Savior”? If you have to accept Him it has to be ALL the time and not just one time. I think all of this plays into understanding when Cornelius was regenerated.
Psalms 9:16 "The Lord is known (THE NAME) by the judgment which he executeth.." Indeed, Cornelius already knew the name of the Lord, the righteous acts of Christ, in order for him to keep the righteous judgments/acts of THE COVENANT. His NAME is revealed in his judgment/commandments/covenant. Even though he was under the old covenant at that time, he saw/knew of Christ and his COVENANT/NAME.
My Comment: Ps 9:11 (KJV Ps 9:10, Ps 91:14) brings that out. I think I see what you see in these verses. Cornelius was acting on the graces he had been given even though he didn’t really know Christ. Christ rewarded him for this (had mercy) by bringing him in touch with Peter to hear about Christ. We would describe these graces as Actual Graces. I will explain that more when I put my main post on this thread.
As far as baptism saving, it is undoubtedly NO. The command to "go and sin no more" (
John 8:11) could only be accomplished by the entering into the new covenant where we/they would no longer be under the types and shadows of the old covenant that could never take away sins. Baptism is the ordinance which places us in the NEW COVENANT where the true NAME (Jn 17:3) is expounded and reveal unto his people, the washing of water by the word.
Ephesians 3:10 "...might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of
My Comment: I agree that Baptism places us in the New Covenant by the washing of water and the word. The “Washing” and “Word” are present at Water Baptism (Eph 5:26). I was really inspired one day and found this. If you concentrate on Ex 2:1-6 and read the other verses I mention around it you’ll see it:
1 Pet 3:21 - This verse connects the “Ark” with “Baptism”.
Ex 2:1-6 - In these verses, you see the story of Moses as a baby escaping death by being put in a basket and floating down the river.
Verses 3 & 5 the “Basket” is referred to as the “Ark”.
Verse 5 -Bulrushes - L scirpeam = Papyrus
Strongs #1572 - G Gome = Papyrus
Papyrus was used to write scripture (Word).
The “Water” was used to float the basket
Eph 5:26 - The “Water” and the “Word”
1 Pet 3:20 - The “Ark” is connected to “Water” - Same as Ex 2
THE BOTTOM LINE: Moses was saved by the “Water” and the “Word” - Baptism (Eph 5:26)
It’s so easy to tie everything to Water Baptism. There are so many proofs in scripture that Baptismal regeneration occurs with Water Baptism.
If the act of baptism, not sprinkling or pouring, saves, then why did it not save the false brethren in Jude? Surely they thought they were saved and had made a profession of faith and were baptized. Yet Jude describes them accordingly, vs 12 "These are spots in your feasts of charity when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear, clouds they are without water (the Holy Spirit), carried about of winds, trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots."
My Comment: This is a great question! Also it says the same thing in 2 Peter 2:13. This is speaking about heretics. You can fall away from the Faith. It’s a great question because it reminds me of a misunderstanding Protestants have with our understanding of justification. Many, many Protestants forget and think that Catholics believe they are saved “once and for all” by Water Baptism. Absolutely not true! We believe salvation is a process. Baptism is our “initial justification” (signed or sealed with the Holy Ghost). This is how we come into the family and receive the pledge of our inheritance (down payment)(Eph 1:13-14) but we can lose our inheritance (Eph 5:5). We must, therefore, remain “in Christ” (John 15:4-7, Rom 8:1). We believe in an “ongoing justification”. Confessing and repenting of sin is part of Perseverance. Trent called the Sacrament of Confession “a Second Plank after the shipwreck of lost grace” [Denziger’s, #807 (DS 1542)] The “Plank” was probably based on Acts 27:44. We are judged at the END of our life.
Baptism puts you in covenant position where it will be revealed whether you will bring forth fruit or not and what manner it will be.
Matthew 13:3-9
My Comment: True but it is through Water Baptism that initially happens. To get in the Ark you have to pass through the Water! (1 Pet 3:20) Even Martin Luther believed in Baptismal Regeneration through Water Baptism.