At present, I have NO doubts at your inability to carry on a reasoned discussion. You simply seem to be unable to discuss in a humble manner without peppering it with digs and dripping with "theological condescension". And yes, I "dig" on you, and will continue to do so until you show some semblance of effort to disagree with other believers using some degree of "agreeableness". This attitude of " I used to be one of yall" and now I have seen the superior light" comes across loud and clear. Discuss, debate, "hash it out", but keep this "superiority posture" internal. Ask questions, seek answers. Even the whipping boys of the mormons and JW deserve basic respect, no matter how much their theology may be in error (or how much YOU think it might be in error, you, me or no one can know the heart of another man as it relates to their actual standing before God). Bashing with a sledge hammer and then ending with blessings or peace is pure cognitive dissonance.
Exactly :thumbsup: