I hold to Total Depravity – there is no way man, could on his own, have a will or desire to come to God. Man must be pursued by God who opens up his heart to receive the Gospel. In the garden Adam and Eve, once they sinned, hid from God and God pursued them to restore them. When Cain sinned against God with his inappropriate worship God pursued him in order to restore him. God has since pursued man by way of the gospel in order to restore him. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We love God because He first loved us. God showed his love to us by pursuing us while we were in our sin and rejecting Him. (Genesis 3:9; Genesis 4:6, 7; I John4:19; Romans 5:8)
I hold the God’s Election of the Saints – This election occurs through the sanctification of the Spirit of God and is done on the basis of our belief in Him at which time we are given the power to become the Sons of God according to scripture. God reached out with grace to Adam and Eve and they repented of their sin. God also reached out to Cain who refused the grace of God and remained in his rebellion and was cast out to be a wanderer all the days of his life with the mark of God on him. Adam and Eve are of the elect while Cain is not. (Genesis 4:12; John 1:12; I Peter 1:2)
I hold to a Unlimited Atonement – Atonement was made on behalf of all men. It is a free gift of God who has pursued all men that they may receive eternal life. But some men reject the grace of God which God allows in His sovereignty of all things in creation. (Romans 5:18; 6:23; John 3:19)
I hold to the Grace of God – The grace of God is offered to all men, accepted by some and rejected by many. (John 3:16, 18; Matthew 7:13)
I hold to the Eternal and Secure Salvation of the Saints – Those who do know Him will never turn away from Him. Our salvation is held secure in the power of God. (I Peter 1:3-5)
I hold to Biblical Salvation - No where in scripture does God divide the act of salvation and regeneration. Saints are just Born again. (John 3:16)
I hold the God’s Election of the Saints – This election occurs through the sanctification of the Spirit of God and is done on the basis of our belief in Him at which time we are given the power to become the Sons of God according to scripture. God reached out with grace to Adam and Eve and they repented of their sin. God also reached out to Cain who refused the grace of God and remained in his rebellion and was cast out to be a wanderer all the days of his life with the mark of God on him. Adam and Eve are of the elect while Cain is not. (Genesis 4:12; John 1:12; I Peter 1:2)
I hold to a Unlimited Atonement – Atonement was made on behalf of all men. It is a free gift of God who has pursued all men that they may receive eternal life. But some men reject the grace of God which God allows in His sovereignty of all things in creation. (Romans 5:18; 6:23; John 3:19)
I hold to the Grace of God – The grace of God is offered to all men, accepted by some and rejected by many. (John 3:16, 18; Matthew 7:13)
I hold to the Eternal and Secure Salvation of the Saints – Those who do know Him will never turn away from Him. Our salvation is held secure in the power of God. (I Peter 1:3-5)
I hold to Biblical Salvation - No where in scripture does God divide the act of salvation and regeneration. Saints are just Born again. (John 3:16)
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