Some folks have called me awful names, right here on the ole' BB, for refusing to vote linguini-spined republicans is.
BTW, McConnell completely folded on the DHS funding thing. Off topic, I know, but how's this republican thing working out for you ?
And that's what I mean. I'm years passed tired of voting for folks with no conviction who will compromise on any and everything because they are positioning themselves for the next election.
And since they won't do term limits, we'll just have to take things into our own hands.
I refuse to vote for a Senator more than once. I don't care how good you are. After your 6 years, I'm not voting for you again.
Reps I give 4 years. After that, I want some new representation.
We need to unify.
And as an aside just because it popped into my head,my solution for Hollywood is that all Christians need to just not go to movies for an entire year. And I mean really not go.
It's time to get some folks attention.