Hi DHK, again, we are not coming any closer to agreement. As I said, "son-placing" is what is in scripture, not adoption and not promised resurrection. I say "son-placing" refers to our promised resurrection because of Romans 8:23. And I say Paul used the same word (son-placing) eight verses earlier (Romans 8:15) to mean the same thing.
There is a plethora of Scripture that speaks of adoption and son-placing. You hang the entire doctrine on just one verse. To make a comparison that is like that Charismatic snake charmers hanging that one doctrine on one verse in Mark, when there is much other Scripture that would speak against it.
Son-placing has nothing to do with our promised resurrection. You would be resurrected only to stand before the Great White Throne Judgement if you were not placed as a son, adopted into His family, long before that time--the time of the Resurrection. If you have to wait for the resurrection to take place that is gambling with the eternal state of your life. Make sure of life by making sure that you are adopted now. For the redemption of our bodies is but one small aspect of our adoption, not the only aspect.
Moses was adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh. But then he rejected all the privileges and inheritance and the chance to become Pharaoh. He rejected it all, though he was an adoptive son. He was adopted as an infant; rejected the adoption as an adult.
Hebrews 11:24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years,
refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;
25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.
27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.
You claim he meant something different, adoption into God's family, but nothing in scripture supports that view. No where is scripture does it say we are made sons through adoption. Rather, we are revealed as sons through son-placing at Christ's second coming, Romans 8:19.
There are all kinds of examples in the Bible where individuals are adopted as sons, when they are young, but not when they are old. Moses is a good example. He was adopted as an infant. He was placed into the household as an infant--made a son as an infant. That is how it always happens.
That is how it happens spiritually.
When one is born again, he is also adopted, justified, sanctified, forgiven, and a whole lot more. He is adopted at the same time that he becomes a child of God. Regeneration is not the only thing that happens at salvation!!
He is made a son of God, an heir and joint heir with Jesus Christ. And that happens when he is an "infant" spiritually speaking. When he is fully mature (at the resurrection) is not the time when he is adopted. It is an aspect of adoption.
Sons are adopted as children, not when they are about to die.
You have gone off the deep end here. Our spiritual life begins when we are new born babes at the new birth, the same time we are adopted. Our complete inheritance will be fully realized at the resurrection when our redemption is complete as we are given our glorified bodies.
Are you redeemed? Yes or no.
If so, then why do you wait for the redemption of your body?
The same is true with adoption.
You keep mentioning Galatians 4:1-7 as if I had not addressed it. Sorry but I have, because if you understand "son placing" as meaning "promised resurrection, as taught undeniably in Romans 8:23, then the passage teaches my view and not yours.
My friend adopted a child. He did not give him a "promised resurrection." Just how does that fit in? It is absurd. The son came from a broken family, possibly where he was either forsaken by his "father" or even abused. He was about 7 years old. Now a loving Christian man adopted him. For the first time in his life he was able to call him "father," and understand what a "father/son" relationship meant. The word "abba/dad" meant more to him than his younger sister because he knew what it was like not to have one. He was adopted as a son, still early in his life--not a son on his deathbed. That is just unheard of. But that is what you are advocating or teaching.
Note verse 6, because you are sons, not about to become sons, but are sons already, then God sends forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts. This means we were sons before we were sealed in Christ with the Holy Spirit. Thus we had been, past tense, born into God's family before the Spirit of son-placing entered our hearts. Therefore, your whole argument, that the Spirit of Son-Placing in Romans 8:15 indicates adoption is without merit. It indicates we are sons, born of God.
Because you are sons. Pay attention to that.
You are putting an unnecessary time element there like many Calvinists do. Salvation is simultaneous. That is when one is saved he is regenerated, saved, justified, sanctified, and adopted all at the same time.
The only thing that comes first IMO is faith. The Bible teaches that you must believe in order to be saved.
We are made sons at the same time we became children of God through regeneration.
We were once a son, a slave to the bondage of the law and sin;
God took us and placed us as His son, His servant with the Spirit of Adoption into His family, his household.