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Age of the Earth...


Well-Known Member
At Earth's equator it is moving some .288 miles per second for us to see the Sun to move during the day. But the earth to go around the Sun at 18 miles a second for the night sky to change over the months. The the Earth's distance from the Sun it takes 8 minutes for the light from the Sun to reach earth. And we do not even notice.


Well-Known Member
But they really don't know how far it is, do they?

So, since the Lord Himself doesn't tell us how far away it really is, should we as Christians be trusting unbelieving scientists ( without consulting His words first ), and even then taking it all with a "grain of salt"? :Unsure
Dave, I have demonstrated that not all scientists are unbelieving. Moreso, God distributes his general grace and the capacity to observe his creation to both the saved and the unsaved. Why doubt the numbers simply because the person doing the calculation may not know Jesus as his/her Savior?

Two Wings

Well-Known Member
I'm also of the opinion that the earth does not rotate.

OK ... I'm gonna "part company" here. Hopefully "with gentleness and respect."

Flying to Deep South America ... we have to "lead turn" to account for the earth's rotation. If we simply maintained a course of the direct line, we'll end up missing Sao Paulo/Buenos Aires on that 10.30 flight from DFW.

Also ... leaving London for DFW late in the afternoon with a high latitude route (winter jetstream avoidance) ... see TWO sunsets and a sunrise in the West in a single 10 hour flight.

I recognize it's hard to gain the perspective, but the earth is orbiting the sun in a parabolic track once every 365.25 days and it's revolving once every 24 hours. It doesn't change it's "pitch." The change in the angle of "incidence" is from the different position on its orbit ... one side to the other.

the earth is a sphere. When flying over the N Pole, no turn is made, yet I've witnessed the compass change by almost 180 degrees (didn't directly overly the pole.) when operating from DFW to HKG. Didn't increase speed with the sudden vector south, either. :) ... spherical is demonstrated in the rotational directions around High and Low pressure areas in the Northern Hemi SPHERE ... and the Southern one. Lows have a counter clockwise rotation it the North, clockwise in the South. vv for High pressure. these circular wind rotations happen as a result of the sphere's rotation, the friction of the surface against the atmosphere; the Coriolis effect. A "convergence zone" within 10 degrees latitude of the equator ... they get some MONSTROUS Thunderstorms routinely where all that energy ... converges.

There is no 250 mile high wall around Antartica. Can overfly it as often as you have resources to put fuel in the airplane. Same indicated heading phenomena occurs overflying the S Pole as the N Pole. I know pilots who have done it ... they didn't spin off in to outer space from a flat plane earth ... because it's not a flat plane.
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Well-Known Member
the Church isn't the only organization which does (sic) science poorly. Have had a front row seat to that fiasco the last 2 years.
Never implied otherwise. But pontificating it creates a dividing wall of hostility, thus harming Christian unity and fellowship, making it essentially sinful to do so.

Two Wings

Well-Known Member
Never implied otherwise.

of course that's implied when the exclusive target of the charge is a specific person/entity. By failing to include other "scientific" organizations, "doing science poorly" is a charge directed at the church alone.

"While the Church isn't alone, it has done science poorly ..." would have avoided the implication. The kicker is ... who looks to the Church FIRST for science? Not that it can't be, nor even should avoid, being scientific, but the criticism seems a bubble or two off.

I buy/sell registered Longhorn cattle ... "He does horses poorly" ... well, I CAN buy/sell a horse, but that's not my wheelhouse ... so it's not really a useful criticism.

I added my interjection for balance.

... and the continual need for grace when dealing with other people.

Dave G

Well-Known Member
I've said all that I came into the thread to say, and it seems that no one ( at least the ones that are posting ) has considered a thing that I've said.

But one thing I'd like to re-iterate...
Please read your Bibles and stop listening to, and trusting in, men and their observations about God's work.
The Lord knows far more than we who are looking at things from the outside, and if it's not in His word, then why put any stock in it, past "nice to know"?

Yes, we as men can observe some astounding things that the Lord has done, and try and figure them out.
I also agree that there are a great many things that science gets right...but there are a great many things that I personally have seen them get wrong.

Again ( and if I haven't said it before ) I'd rather trust Him and look at things through the Bible, than look at the Bible through science.
That said, I will take my leave of this thread given that this is not really a section that I care to spend any time in...
since to me, there is no doubt in my mind as to how old the earth is, how long God took to create everything ( 6 literal days, followed by nearly 6,000 literal years of history ) whether or not it rotates, and whether or not it's even a sphere ( which it is, because God's word says that it is in Isaiah 40:22 ).

When all is said and done, I'm asking you to trust the Lord's words OVER man's, just as the Psalms and Proverbs tell us to ( Proverbs 3:5-7 ).

May He bless all of you with His goodness, and I wish you well.
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Two Wings

Well-Known Member
Please read your Bibles and stop listening to, and trusting in, men.

sir, your reference in scripture assumes that gravity would be insufficient to prevent inertia. And you assume it was a sudden stop as if you'd run your vehicle into a tree. perhaps these phenomena weren't conducted as such.

So, IDK ... you're asking us to accept your understanding of science while disregarding personal testimony and, frankly, easily observables from science.

I cannot accurately answer the stopping/reversing the movement, but that those things happened does not prove the universe revolves around the earth. Nor does it remotely demonstrate the earth doesn't revolve.


Well-Known Member
of course that's implied when the exclusive target of the charge is a specific person/entity. By failing to include other "scientific" organizations, "doing science poorly" is a charge directed at the church alone.

I added my interjection for balance.
Nyah. The OP is about the church and pontificating the age of the earth as a religious doctrine.

There is no obligation here to cite what others outside the church do whether right or wrong, thus no failure at all to not do so.

While one may add an interjection about what those outside the church do, that does not and cannot balance what the church does wrong.

And the church is not a scientific organization.

Two Wings

Well-Known Member
And the church is not a scientific organization.

no it's not ... that's what I meant earlier ... kinda a lost criticism, isn't it?

You may not be a farmer nor a rancher, but if you eat, you're involved in agriculture.

the church may not be a source of scientific discovery, but it uses science.

I'm sticking with my position on the age of the earth ... not too much over 6000 years. A lotta water and a little time made the Grand Canyon and the Rockies --- NOT a little water and a lotta time.

Science can't disprove the latter ... but it can certainly validate the former based upon what we witnessed 40 years ago w/ Mt. St Helens.


Well-Known Member
no it's not ... that's what I meant earlier ... kinda a lost criticism, isn't it?

You may not be a farmer nor a rancher, but if you eat, you're involved in agriculture.

the church may not be a source of scientific discovery, but it uses science.

I'm sticking with my position on the age of the earth ... not too much over 6000 years. A lotta water and a little time made the Grand Canyon and the Rockies --- NOT a little water and a lotta time.

Science can't disprove the latter ... but it can certainly validate the former based upon what we witnessed 40 years ago w/ Mt. St Helens.
I’m not suggesting that everyone conform to a particular position on on the age of the earth, rather just the opposite. It’s the dogmatic approach that needs to be abandoned regarding this issue.

The Bible can be and in fact has been the source of enlightenment regarding science. The scientific method and the rise of modern science can be traced back to a firm belief in God and His word.

Two Wings

Well-Known Member
It’s the dogmatic approach that needs to be abandoned regarding this issue.

OK ... it's possible the earth is 9 billion years old or whatever is the current estimate ... probably need to update that when we discover mitochondria/DNA replication, assuming consistent rates, validate ... 6000 years of mankind, too.

It's possible ... but almost as likely as a snowball's chance of survival in the fiery pit.


Well-Known Member
OK ... it's possible the earth is 9 billion years old or whatever is the current estimate ... probably need to update that when we discover mitochondria/DNA replication, assuming consistent rates, validate ... 6000 years of mankind, too.

It's possible ... but almost as likely as a snowball's chance of survival in the fiery pit.
That attitude is quite unsurprising. Others feel the same way, but holding an opposite position. And you've been going back and forth with someone who doesn't even believe the earth moves.

Again, “I’m not suggesting that everyone conform to a particular position on on the age of the earth, rather just the opposite. It’s the dogmatic approach that needs to be abandoned regarding this issue.”


Well-Known Member

The earth is moving really fast ... and spinning while it does it. It's been doing this for a long time, but not NEARLY as long as some like to pretend.
What you’re saying isn’t new or unfamiliar or held universally by Christians, though we mostly agree.

In fact, a great many Christians believe or admit that the universe and earth appear much older than the 6-10k years they count via their interpretation of the Bible.

The point is that the belief (or an opposite one) is not a Christian doctrine, but an opinion, an interpretation not to be forced on others, or expected of others.


Well-Known Member
Our solar system dates about 4.5 billion years. Earth's crust about over 3 billion. Our know universe about 13.7 something billion years. I suspect it is older. Genesis 1:1.

I also believe Genesis 1:3-31 to be literal 6 earth days. Day 1, God lit up our Sun. Day 4. The Sun, Moon and stars became visible in our Earth's sky.

What I personally believe being a Christian since 1962. No one needs to agree with my view.

Genesis is a GOD's Plan that was revealed to Moses around 2.500 years after Adam.

Genesis was/ is a Plan of GOD to restoration or restitution of all things-Acts 3:v.17 to 26. This GOD's Plan has nothing to do with creation, but exclusively to a restitution of all things after an undesirable occurrence or evil event in the Garden of Eden. In fact, since the beginning GOD planned to make four heavens and the earth(small letter) as is written in Genesis 1:v.1.

The age of Planet Earth or even the Universe as a whole are from about billions years ago of course. In general, people and even scientists when they read Genesis they confuse themselves, they confuse Earth(Planet) with earth(Israel, the dry land, the clay, whose nation(the earth) was without form, and void in the first Day, of course(Genesis 1:v.1), because Israel was made in the third Day, more precisely between years 2000-3,000 after Adam, exactly in the midst of the third millennium or 3rd Day).

The misinterpretation of them on Genesis is because they don't understand the language of GOD, the Creator, only the language of men, IOW their thinking is from a human perspective, not from God’s perspective, and that's where brain confusion begins.

That said, based in the Word of God, the source of the truth, on God's six Days of creation and one Day of rest (a total of seven days) plus the Scriptures that teach that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years(Psalm 90:v.4; 2Pet.3:v.8; Heb.4:v.4), so MANKIND would go through six God Days of 1,000 years each (a total of 6,000 years) plus a Millennium of 1,000 years rest (now a total of 7,000 years).
So, in accord biblical Chronology, we can number our days, beginning in Genesis chapter 5, as the table below:

I - From Adam to the Flood--------------------------1,656 years
II - From the Flood to Abraham----------------------.427 years
III - From Abraham to Exodus------------------------430 years-Gal.3:17
IV - From Exodus to king Saul --------------------- 396 years
V - From Saul to the fall of Jerusalem -----------. 508 years
VI - From the fall of Jerusalem to Jesus --------. 587 years
Thus, from Adam to the 1st coming of Jesus ---4.004 years
From Jesus to our days (Christian Calendar)---. 2.021 years
Total from Adam to our days ------------------------ 6.025 years

VII period - Millennium of Christ- or the Lord's Day

JESUS- the Greater Light, Genesis 1:v.16- came in the fourth Day or around 4,000 years after GOD started His works of restitution of all things-Genesis 1. From JESUS (fourth Day) until our days, have passed more TWO DAYS or 2,000 years (one Day with the Lord is as a thousand years), totaling 6 complete Days or six complete millenniums, or around 6.000 years, more precisely 6,021 years, according Christian Calendar pointing the year 2.021.

So, we have entered in the beginning of the first century of the seventh and last millennium, or seventh and last Day, the Lord's Day, the Millennium of Christ, the Millennium of Truth, the Millennium of Judgment, the Judgment Seat of Christ, the Millennium of Vengeance.

The END of all things arrived, as is written in 2Peter 3:v.7-8
7 The heavens (the first two heavens) and the earth (Israel-not the Planet), which are now, by the same Word are kept in store, reserved unto FIRE against the Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one Day.