A seeker sensitive church "offers a model of ministry that is 'consumer' oriented. It attempts to relate the Gospel in a culturally relevant way to unchurched men and women" (Starting a Seeker Sensitive Service, by Ed Dobson, pp. 14-15).
And is this necessarily wrong?
1 Cor. 9:19 For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more;
20 and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law;
21 to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law;
22 to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
On the other hand, church growth by aggressive soul winning goes to where the people are in the "highways and hedges" and gives the Gospel one on one, aiming at the salvation of the soul wherever they are.
Yes, but when I was out doing door-knocking for an IFB ASW church, there was always an invitation given for them to attend church, and there was always an altar call at the end of the service. So, in effect, the goal was two-fold--go out and give them the gospel but also get people into the church to get saved.
The two methods of church growth could not be more different.
1. Seeker Sensitive is a method to get people into the church to get saved, but aggressive soul winning is a method to get people saved and then into the church.
2. SS is quite willing to change the church to fit the lost person's preferences in the hope that they'll also pay attention to the Gospel. ASW on the other hand seeks a change in the sinner's life made by God saving them prior to church attendance, which means the church service doesn't have to change.
But would you agree that ASW churches also seek to save sinners through the church service itself?
3. SS says, "Bring the lost one to the church where they might get saved because they like our music and drama and the pastor wearing blue jeans." ASW says, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel."
In my experience there are elements of SS churches in ASW churches. The church I currently attend has traditional music service and P&W service. They have had a Christmas drama in the past but nothing in the past 3 years or so. They have a very aggressive missions and church planting program. They usually extend an invitation at the end of the sermon, but not always. They preach on sin, on repentance, on discipleship. The pastor doesn't wear a tie every Sunday, but never wears jeans (though guest speakers have done so). They preach Jesus is the only way to Heaven, they condemn universalism (Oprah religion), and all other philosophies and religions as being wrong. They abhor abortion and same-sex marriage. They have community service events. They have a bookstore and a coffee shop (the horror!).
When I think seeker sensitive I think about a P&W band, a preacher in jeans and a tee shirt, the main sanctuary stripped of any Christian symbolism, lots of TV screens, Powerpoint presentations, lots of mood lighting, a NLT or CEV Bible being used, people bringing cookies and/or doughnuts and coffee into the service, 20 minute sermons "relevant to modern life" and how to be a "successful --fill in the blank--", the word 'sin' isn't used, instead 'disease of the soul' or some other euphemism, repentance isn't spoken about, abortion and same-sex marriage is not condemned, Jesus as the only way is not emphasized, etc. etc.