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AIDS and Romans 1:24-32


New Member
Originally posted by Bro. Curtis:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by tragic_pizza:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bro. Curtis:
Just curious....

To what extent are homosexual men responsible for the spread of AIDS ?
I have no idea. Probably as responsible as the Red Cross and other blood banks in the early days of the disease... </font>[/QUOTE]Yeah. The red cross went around having unprotected promiscuous anal sex ? :rolleyes:

Gay men were dying from their bath-house encounters, the government asked them to stop, until they could figure out what was happening, but the gays screamed "opression", we backed off, and now little kids get the disease.

You probably don't buy the fact that they poisoned the blood supply, on purpose, to raise awareness for their disease, either, do you ?
</font>[/QUOTE]One hardly knows how to address such a statement. Thus, I'll let it stand on its own merits.


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One hardly knows how to address such a statement. Thus, I'll let it stand on its own merits.
Considering that AIDS is the only disease (that I know of) that falls under "CIVIL RIGHTS", this statement stands on some pretty solid ground AFAIC!


<img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>
I'll say something about the statement by Bro. Curtis about the possibility of homosexuals "poisoning the blood supply, ON PURPOSE, to raise awareness for their disease". It's possible that they did. Many knew the weren't to give blood, but they did anyhow. Yet, does this mean that they should be shut out from the health system others receive? No...I don't think so. I don't condone what they do, nor will I. But, they are every bit as entitled to research for the diseases in their sub-cultural group. Just because they are homosexual, promiscuous or not, does not negate the fact that they are human beings in need of Christian love, medical attention and prayer. I'm not saying that you're saying they aren't. I'm just making clear where I stand on the issue.


<img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>
Let me further add, even if they did purposely infect the blood supply, our own gov't is guilty of doing that same thing for many other purposes. Those who did so have probably already met their demise.

Bro. Curtis

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I'm not saying don't treat them. Please treat them, AND look for a cure. Spend tax $$, and the quicker the better. But put the blame where it belongs.


<img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>
We can't actually point the total blame at the homosexuals, though it is believed that a majority of the cases were perpetrated by the homosexual community during the 80's. I can't recall exactly where, but there were similar retroactive disease signatures as early as the late 40's and early 50's. Could it be that the promiscuity of the 60's and 70's helped further the disease? I don't recall where exactly I saw it off hand, but, there were initial reports that it was believed by many scientists to have started with people eating monkeys who were infected with a retrovirus, a simian version of aids. I'm not sure how plausible that is, but I'm not saying it's not possible, either. I don't think anything conclusive was ever reached.

Bro. Curtis

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A homosexual brought the disease to America, where it was spread thru the gay bath houses.

And promiscuity wasn't invented in the '60s. It became accepted in the '60s, but was with us a long time before that.


New Member
Originally posted by Bro. Curtis:
I'm not saying don't treat them. Please treat them, AND look for a cure. Spend tax $$, and the quicker the better. But put the blame where it belongs.
Yes, because placing blame is so important to our continued growth in the faith, right?



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Yes, because placing blame is so important to our continued growth in the faith, right?
Irrelevent! Finding,(placing) the blame gives the starting point to start the control process.

Is that not one of the first steps to control ANY epidemic outbreak? Find the source and squash the spread.

Don't attempt to make me feel guilty just because someone else is having to pay for his sins; and don't equate a demand for responsibility with lack of compassion!


I am going to repeat my question.

Do you folks believe that the sin of homosexuality is worse than other sins?

Do you think homosexuality is worse than adultery?
Do you think homosexuality is worse than coveting?
Do you think homosexuality is worse than failing to honor your parents?

Diane - you said it is the only STD that is incureable. That isn't correct. It is the only deadly one we know of that is laregly uncureable, however, caught early enough, even AIDS can be slowed down for decade with the use of medications that prevent the cells from multiplying.

I think blatant hate of a person is wrong.
Christ hated adultry, he didn't hate the adultrerous woman.

Bro. Curtis

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It is to me. The blood of Ryan White, and countless other children is on their hands. They need to repent. I don't think their community is one bit sorry. In fact, I believe they held Reagan and G.H.W. Bush responsible.

Remember who we are dealing with. A hateful, murderous, uncaring, self-centered bunch of rebels.


Why isn't it on our hands too? We ~knew~ right from wrong. We were the Christians sent to the world to show them the way of Christ, and we didn't do our job.

We sat in our air conditioned homes instead of going door to door because we didn't want the neighbors angry with us.

We built larger churches with newer speaker systems instead of buying bibles for the lost.

We made excuses not to vote or attend political caucuses when the issues were moral ones. Expecting someone else to do it for us, and then acting shocked when they stopped teaching morals in the public schools.

We KNEW the truth.
We were told to share the truth.

We didn't.

Now, millions are dead, and we watched them die.

We could have told them, "God loves you, and whether you believe it is a sin or not, whether you think it is a natural urge or not, the bottom line is, you're making a choice, right now, to make your sex life more important than the rest of your life, and God MUST come first. "

We could have taught them about Christ and let Christ change their hearts, but we didn't.

Isn't the blood on our hands too?


On another note. . . .

I think you are wrong when you say they aren't sorry. I don't understaand homosexuality. I am not a supporter of homosexuality. I don't want churches supporting it. They say it is an uncontrollable urge. I was taught all urges are controllable.

I do think it is a sin.

I just think hating anyone is ALSO a sin.

Bro. Curtis

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I don't want to hate them. But I sure get disgusted when we get blamed for the spread of their disease. God help me.

It's the same as 9/11. Militant muslims slaughter 3000 of us, and we, as a nation wonder what WE did wrong.

Magnetic Poles

New Member
Originally posted by Bro. Curtis:
I don't want to hate them. But I sure get disgusted when we get blamed for the spread of their disease. God help me.

It's the same as 9/11. Militant muslims slaughter 3000 of us, and we, as a nation wonder what WE did wrong.
It isn't "their disease". It is a virus, like any other. There are high-risk behaviors, but HIV doesn't discriminate.


Originally posted by TexasSky:

Do you folks believe that the sin of homosexuality is worse than other sins?

Do you think homosexuality is worse than adultery?
Do you think homosexuality is worse than coveting?
Do you think homosexuality is worse than failing to honor your parents?

I answer YES because

Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


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Considering some of the statements in this thread, it's no wonder that AIDS needs to be an issue of civil rights.
Just remember your philosophy should we have an epidemic of bubonic plague, or typhoid, or any number of other deadly diseases.

If/when it gets close to your family, I dare think you just may be a little more anxious to exterminate the cause rather than defending those who ignore sanitary precautions thereby putting you & yours at a needless risk!

Just out of curosity, would you knowingly frequent a restaurant that you knew employed aids victims as cooks?