What is the point of saying the document "appears" to be semi-Pelagian, a system of doctrine that was condemned as heresy long ago? Either it is or it isn't. What is the point of saying that "most" of the people who signed it didn't even know they were championing what "appears" to be heretical semi-Pelagian doctrine? Where in the document does it deny that God takes the initiative in salvation? Where in the Bible does it deny that man has the freedom either to choose or to reject God when under the conviction of the Holy Spirit? Oh, that's right, Dr. Mohler didn't even quote one phrase that he disagreed with.
Perhaps Dr. Mohler should have quoted that section to disagree with it. I can agree with that. His statements, however, were simply looking at a confession with theological and historically trained eye and saying, "THIS looks a lot like THAT".
If he truly believes his observations are correct...How should he have addressed it? I'm still waiting on your answer to that...Here's a few options:
-These people don't realize that it is semi-pelagian
-These people didn't read it carefully enough
-These people DO realize what it is, and therefore actually do beleive something most baptists have denied
-These people do not actually believe every little thing this statement says, but signed it anyway because of their opposition to calvinism.
-The statement is worded poorly and sounds semi-pelagian, but I know these men and that's not what they beleive (this is what it sounds like to me).
OR>>>>should mohler have simply thought to himself, "This sounds exactly like semi-pelagianism, but I don't want to make anyone upset so I'm not going to say anything about it."