I thought I might add this much only:
I agree whole-heartedly with Luke, HAmel, Webdog, Ann, and others who have a correct Biblical view of alcohol.
Frankly, used rightly and correctly, it is a blessing, pure and simple.
I want to add this warning from my own personal experience:
It is possible to abuse your Christian Liberty in this area....and...if you are not careful, it will sneak up on you and nail you blind-sided.
I drank responsibly for YEARS, and yes, quite frankly, I shared the gospel and quite fruitfully over bottles of wine (I was a wine sommelier) and enjoying some fine Belgian beers with non-Christians who enjoyed the blessings of fine works of art (which is what a great beer or fine liquer or wine is) and they, quite frankly were THRILLED to find a "Baptist" who believed the Scriptures whole-sale and without reservation, was conservative and had understood what the Scriptures teach: which is knowing it as a wonderful gift and blessing.
However...in a state (un-related to alcohol-use directly) I suffered a period of some "back-sliding"...and my use of alcohol reached some dangerous and abusive levels. IF folks you ever find your relationship with God suffering and you can recognize a loss of fellowship...please, just decide to give up alcohol for a while lest it come to "sting like an adder" as it did me for a while...
I have only cautiously begun using alcohol again recently, because it CAN be very deceitful...
I call to mind the Proverb about a wine "giving forth it's color in the cup"....and remember myself preaching the virtues of a great Malbec (there are great ones from South America. My favourite thing about them is the absolutely beautiful translucent deep red colour... It is part of the experience of such a lovely wine. But, if abused.......you will have some deep regrets :tear:
The problem with our tee-totalling brethren is that they are believing that the alcohol is the problem...it isn't...a rotten Spiritual relationship is and the abuse of alcohol is a SYMPTOM.
However, please folks always be mindful of the dangers of over-use...alcohol is like a fire-arm:
PERFECTLY safe, and a blessing :tongue3: in the right hands and used appropriately...deadly in the hands of someone out of fellowship with God!
Blessings to you all :1_grouphug:
I agree whole-heartedly with Luke, HAmel, Webdog, Ann, and others who have a correct Biblical view of alcohol.
Frankly, used rightly and correctly, it is a blessing, pure and simple.
I want to add this warning from my own personal experience:
It is possible to abuse your Christian Liberty in this area....and...if you are not careful, it will sneak up on you and nail you blind-sided.
I drank responsibly for YEARS, and yes, quite frankly, I shared the gospel and quite fruitfully over bottles of wine (I was a wine sommelier) and enjoying some fine Belgian beers with non-Christians who enjoyed the blessings of fine works of art (which is what a great beer or fine liquer or wine is) and they, quite frankly were THRILLED to find a "Baptist" who believed the Scriptures whole-sale and without reservation, was conservative and had understood what the Scriptures teach: which is knowing it as a wonderful gift and blessing.
However...in a state (un-related to alcohol-use directly) I suffered a period of some "back-sliding"...and my use of alcohol reached some dangerous and abusive levels. IF folks you ever find your relationship with God suffering and you can recognize a loss of fellowship...please, just decide to give up alcohol for a while lest it come to "sting like an adder" as it did me for a while...
I have only cautiously begun using alcohol again recently, because it CAN be very deceitful...
I call to mind the Proverb about a wine "giving forth it's color in the cup"....and remember myself preaching the virtues of a great Malbec (there are great ones from South America. My favourite thing about them is the absolutely beautiful translucent deep red colour... It is part of the experience of such a lovely wine. But, if abused.......you will have some deep regrets :tear:
The problem with our tee-totalling brethren is that they are believing that the alcohol is the problem...it isn't...a rotten Spiritual relationship is and the abuse of alcohol is a SYMPTOM.
However, please folks always be mindful of the dangers of over-use...alcohol is like a fire-arm:
PERFECTLY safe, and a blessing :tongue3: in the right hands and used appropriately...deadly in the hands of someone out of fellowship with God!
Blessings to you all :1_grouphug: