Hi All,
Jesus often spoke to multitudes. In gatherings, one after another, teaching and preaching...to a mixture of people. Jewish, Gentile, Pharisee, & Saducee.
A mixed congregation...
Some just longing for healing, Some already believers, many unbelievers, and some to try and find reason to accuse Jesus.
There are many reasons an unbeliever might come to church, many reasons for a salvation message...such as the children of believers.
And believers just need to hear a salvation message now and then too!
But there are a lot of messages to believers that God uses to convict an unbeliever.
Talking about Hell, and being a witness. Or I have noticed a lot of people come forward when the message has just been about the closeness we have with God.
A lot of times you may witness to someone, and invite them to church. They might think you are a one in a million "wacko" but to humor you come to church...and see you are not alone.

then they will either run out

or perhaps be convicted by the message, and what you have already told them.
Acts 2:47
"And the Lord added to the church daily *such as should be saved.* "
They came *to* be saved (though they might not have know it at the time!). An altar call, may not be biblical, but there is always to be a call. Jesus is our altar...I like to think that He is calling these people with His "still, small voice" and we sometimes need to give them the *hearing aid* to hear it.
Ok, too much coffee, when I start with my descriptions!