Rhetorician Response #2
So Im 59 YO....you expect me to go to seminary at this late date! Please!!!
Allow me one more follow up if I may.
I don't expect anything of you. It is what the Master expects from all of his called ministers that matters does it not? This should be our very, very best!!!!!!
If someone in your place in life came to me and asked my professional, ministerial, and professorial opinion this is what I would share with them:
First, what is your present educational background?
Second, what are your gifts and desires?
Third, how has God blest your Christian work thus far?
Fourth, what part do you see yourself playing in world missions and missions on the local scene?
Fifth, I would advise him to enroll in as rigorous an academic program as they could find. There are many online that fill the bill this date and time.
There are so, so many out there and the amount of learning needed for the ministry is so overwhelming to the one who comes to the game late--it can truly be mind boggling.
My thoughts! :smilewinkgrin: