@Steven Yeadon
As a former "IFB", I've learned many things over the years...
1) I'm not beholden to any institution of men, any "denomination" and any set of teachings that I am not satisfied are the truth of His word.
2) No one stands between me and my Saviour...not a pastor, a deacon, or anyone else.
3) No one has the right to dictate to me how I understand His words...He is my Teacher ( 1 John 2:20-27 ).
4) No one has the right to dictate how I serve the Lord...He works in me both to will and to do of His good pleasure ( Philippians 2:13 ).
5) No one has the right to tell me how to give of myself, or my money to the body of Christ.
6) Believers are not "of" this world, and will be hated of men for Jesus' sake.
Many more, but I think those are enough for now...
Try to ignore the pressure to evangelize, and simply focus on following your Saviour, a steady diet of His word, and resting in Him.
Your faith, if it's real ( and only you can answer that...time will tell ), is the
evidence of your salvation ( Hebrews 11:1 ).
Trust Him, and seek Him daily, OK?
The single best thing you can do, no matter what "age" you may be as a believer in Jesus Christ, is to
read His word...every day if possible.
Front to back, "rinse and repeat".
Don't worry so much about what "denomination" you fit into...
Be concerned with
your personal relationship with Him above all else.
At the end of the day, you are not part of a "denomination"...
You are part of
the body of Christ and
one of His sheep.
May God be pleased to show you many things through His word, and may you cast your cares upon Him...for He cares for you.