They wouldn't let me use my real SN which is Aman777. I'm just a man, a no body anyone should listen to but I know the secret of unlocking Genesis and ALL of the rest of the Bible. It's proof that Jesus is coming today on the present 6th Day/Age in the 7 Day Creation of the perfect Heaven of the perfect God. Adam and ALL of his descendants live and die on this present 6th Day, the Day of Salvation. 2Co 6:2
So do you call yourself a gnostic? You must be very wealthy to support the globalist agenda of George Soros and Pope Francis. You hate Trump as much as any NeverTrumper in the country, and sadly there is no medicine for that but if you hate Trump, then you might just hate the deplorables who elected him. Do you think that Hillary should run again in spite of all her illnesses and her personal unpopul
When I was two, I didn't know much. This is empirical evidence that intelligence was NOT inherited from Apes. Two Humans who have descended from Adam, are necessary to make another Human.
Ha!ha! You are the one who said you remembered Hitler's speeches. Do you call yourself a gnostic?