A few details that might be of interest.
1. Daniel 7 goes all the way through to the time of the end when all persecution of the saints ends - and the Kindgom of God is brought to earth.
The Kingdom of God is seen by Daniel as the Messianic age and to which Jesus says "the kingdom of God is at hand and even now here among you". Messianic age.
Daniel 12:1-3 deals with the resurrection of the saints.
And we find this on the day of the Crusifixion
51At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. 52The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
Which shows the ushering in the Messianic Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
3. I have shown that in Matt 24 when the disciples ask Christ for the "signs of his coming" His answer was not "no sign shall be given".
Yes lets look at the signs of the age. Luke Chp 21
8He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them. 9When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away."
The context of this discussion is that at the same time of Jesus and the Apostles there was Simon the Sorcerer who claimed to be like Jesus and started a following of Disciples and ended up having himself "authorized" by the Roman government as a proper Religion of the empire and even a statue of him was built on the tiber river. - Eusibius Ecclesiastical History. Note revolutions were comon in Judea at that time the final destructive rebelion was Bar Kochba rebellion that led to the temple and Jerusalems destruction in 70 AD Which can be seen this is what Jesus was talking about at the begining of this end times discourse here
Some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But Jesus said, 6"As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down."
So the end times is the end of the Judaic age now God has made himself known to all men through Jesus Christ which is the Messianic age.
10Then he said to them: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
If you study world history Rome at this time was struggeling against Germanic Kingdoms, They had a slave revolt, they had difficulty with Persians, and Egypt as well as Judea. Note the erruption of Mt Vesuvious in AD 79 as well as common earthquakes in Turkey and the middle east at this time. Also we have this issue with rome
By contrast, the Augustinian system was far less progressive. The shift to flat assessments based on wealth and population both regularized the yield of the tax system and greatly reduced its "progressivity." This is because any growth in taxable capacity led to higher taxes under the tax farming system, while under the Augustinian system communities were only liable for a fixed payment. Thus any increase in income accrued entirely to the people and did not have to be shared with Rome
Which lead the Egyptians to withhold grain to the empire causing food shortages Which is why many years later Zenobia takes advantage and her little Palmyran empire attempts to take on Rome. So food shortage was a serious problem for the empire during and after Jesus day. Not to mention Pestilence which was common in those days
This paper shows that many food remains excavated from Herculaneum were microbiologically contaminated, and that the Romans probably had continuous exposure to gastrointestinal diseases. However, palaeopathological analysis of skeletal remains from Herculaneum shows a low prevalence of non-specific bone inflammation. Pomegranates and figs, consumed by the population, were mainly dried and invariably contaminated by Streptomyces, a bacterium that produces natural tetracycline, an antibiotic. Histological analysis of the human remains demonstrates fluorescence typical of this substance. The tetracycline-labelled human remains show that the Roman inhabitants of Herculaneum ate food contaminated by Streptomyces, and this may explain the rarity of inflammatory bone diseases at the site due to non-specific infection in the living population
I think you miss the context of these signs.
4. In Matt 24 some signs that did not occur in "every age" include - a tribulation "such as has never occurred in all of history".
Yes they have and obviously you missed the persecution under Caligula, Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Marcus Arulius, Septimus Severus, Maximus, Desius, Valerain, Diocletian, and Galerus. Yet with the per captia population of Christains under Nero was probably the most devestating to Christianity.
It also includes signature events like the historic "Dark Day" and the Historic falling of the Stars that occurred in the 1830's.
This is nonsence. There are spikes in the Leonid Showers based on the orbital path of Temple-Tuttle.
In Rev 6 those events are compbined with a reference to a great earthquake (Lisbon Earthquake in 1798 on all saints day -- magnitude estimated to be 9 on what we now have as the Richter scale)
Here you are making connections that do not connect.