This is the reward for those who do not follow the laws of the land; play nice with others; and just plain don't care!
What a shame to see our national values and morals, and the values and morals of the world decline to such a point that the lawbreakers and terrorists are rewarded for their reprehensible acts.
And, before you argue with me about illegal aliens not being reprehensible, let me just offer this to you.
There is very little that can be said in favor of those who have come here without properly applying for citizenship. And no one on this board can tell me that if the tables were reversed, and you went to China, Mexico, Brazil, Malasia, Saudi Arabia [for instance], etc., without properly getting that nation's approval; you'd be arrested and deported, if not jailed, for your undesired act and illegal act. For sure, you'd not be granted the privilege of free medical care, social security, driving on their roads without license and insurance, sending your children to their schools, etc., as we do for those who are here illegally?
Just last month, the state of California, which is broke, gave 180 Mexican families, living here on work visas, brand new four bedroom, two bath mobile homes with all the trimmings. These families will be given ownership of the homes, but must sign them back over to the state should they leave or move. They received these homes, free [taxpayer's money] because the mobile home park the employers owned [jointly] was condemned and tore down. And because the employers didn't have the money to rebuild a new housing development for these green card Mexicans, the taxpayers of California shelled out nearly two hundred million dollars for buy the land, develop it, and put 180 new mobile homes there. This also includes a 75,000 square foot clubhouse, playgrounds and swimming pool. Plus each home came with a fully equipped kitchen.
One mother stated, when asked [in Spanish of course], "what a wonderful country!"
You'd not see this generosity, in any other country, towards people who were not legal citizens of that country. In truth, other countries would more than likely say to those who are not citizens of their land, "Too bad, so sad!"
What a wonderful country? No! Just a bunch of bleeding heart, liberals, spending the future of our children and their children on people who broke laws, break laws, and suck our treasury dry.
What a shame to see our national values and morals, and the values and morals of the world decline to such a point that the lawbreakers and terrorists are rewarded for their reprehensible acts.
And, before you argue with me about illegal aliens not being reprehensible, let me just offer this to you.
- Illegal's cross this nations borders, knowlingly breaking laws.
- They come here and drive on our roads [paid for by our taxes] without licenses and insurance.
- Their children attend our schools, taxing the services of children of legal taxpaying citizens, by overcrowding our schools, and making it necessary to hire teachers and staff to speak languages that afford them an education in their native tongues.
- Many go on public assistance and use our medical facilities, again passing on the costs to us who have to pay higher premiums and fees to cover the cost of providing free medical services.
- They take jobs legal citizens should have, put greedy employers would rather pay less in wages to illegals; so legal citizens go on welfare, again taxing the system to near bankruptcy.
- They refuse to learn the customs of Americans and refuse to assimilate, in turn making many Americans the minority to illegal aliens!
- They think they can move to the front of every line they get in, because the government doesn't have the guts and internal fortitude to enforce the laws on the books.
And I'm positive others will have additional things I've overlooked in the above list!
There is very little that can be said in favor of those who have come here without properly applying for citizenship. And no one on this board can tell me that if the tables were reversed, and you went to China, Mexico, Brazil, Malasia, Saudi Arabia [for instance], etc., without properly getting that nation's approval; you'd be arrested and deported, if not jailed, for your undesired act and illegal act. For sure, you'd not be granted the privilege of free medical care, social security, driving on their roads without license and insurance, sending your children to their schools, etc., as we do for those who are here illegally?
Just last month, the state of California, which is broke, gave 180 Mexican families, living here on work visas, brand new four bedroom, two bath mobile homes with all the trimmings. These families will be given ownership of the homes, but must sign them back over to the state should they leave or move. They received these homes, free [taxpayer's money] because the mobile home park the employers owned [jointly] was condemned and tore down. And because the employers didn't have the money to rebuild a new housing development for these green card Mexicans, the taxpayers of California shelled out nearly two hundred million dollars for buy the land, develop it, and put 180 new mobile homes there. This also includes a 75,000 square foot clubhouse, playgrounds and swimming pool. Plus each home came with a fully equipped kitchen.
One mother stated, when asked [in Spanish of course], "what a wonderful country!"
You'd not see this generosity, in any other country, towards people who were not legal citizens of that country. In truth, other countries would more than likely say to those who are not citizens of their land, "Too bad, so sad!"
What a wonderful country? No! Just a bunch of bleeding heart, liberals, spending the future of our children and their children on people who broke laws, break laws, and suck our treasury dry.
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