The law is black and white, but human beings are grey through and through.
My point is that when people are willing to knowingly break laws and risk their lives doing it, we need to examine a whole lot deeper then " broke the law, go to jail".
I don't know if you're addressing my post, you could use the "quote" feature, you know.
But, anyway.
There will ALWAYS be a reason why people break laws, whether citizens of a country, or not.
But, again, REASONS are not the concern of laws.
Is that so hard to understand ?
Let me break it down to a lower level.
This guy, a vet, is an employee of Autozone (and some of you may probably have read about this incident).
So he and an assistant manager is closing up shop, and this guy comes in, waves a gun at them, takes the assistant manager to the room where the money is, leaves the vet in the main room.
The vet sees his chance, runs outside to the parking lot to retrieve his gun, comes back in, confronts the robber.
Things end well.
Cops come, robber goes to jail, cops say the vet is a hero.
Vet says his training kicked in: leave no man behind.
Assistant manager says "he's my hero".
Everybody happy.
Except autozone.
They FIRE the hero, who, by the way, is a family man, whose wife is on the way, and he desperately needs that job.
He gets FIRED because Autozone says there is a policy that the hero violated: NO GUNS IN WORK PLACE.
considering the background of WHY the hero brought the gun from his vehicle to the work place, is his firing REASONABLE ? is it HUMANE ? is it in line with GODLY principle ?
I'm sure YOU yourself, won't agree, and those of us who say THE LAW IS THE LAW, won't agree, either.
The cops definitely don't agree.
But, you see, as far as Autozone is concerned, there is a policy in place, a law to them which says no guns in the workplace, and, technically, yes, he broke that policy.
He needs to find an arbiter who can argue for him, but until then, he will have to suck it up, find a way to support his pregnant wife, and his soon-to-be-born baby.
The law is IMPERSONAL, sir.
It is what it is.
I don't want anyone taking my stuff, but if the same people show up night after night in spite of the fences and armed patrols I have built and hired, at some point I have to realize that I have a much bigger and complex problem then just people want my stuff. Many think it's just a matter of enforcing laws, being tough on illegal activity. I'm telling you it's much more layered and complex then just being tough on crime.
There is no one on this forum who denies that these illegal immigrants are in desperate straits, that poverty is so prevalent in their country. But THEY HAVE A GOVERNMENT, and THEY HAVE ELECTED OFFICIALS who are supposed to be seating in government, getting paid handsome salaries, to make life better for their countries' citizens.
If their own officials do not care enough about them to better their lives, why should we, the neighbor up north, be the ones to suffer the consequences ?
We have our own problems here, one of which is the proliferation of drugs from THEIR end that destroy the fiber of our society.
Another of which is the fact that there is now seated in the government seats of this country rulers who do not give much hoot about those they govern.
Now, if my neighbors' parenting of their children leaves much to be desired, why should my backyard, my house, and my properties be violated and why should I not demand that they do something about their parenting so I could live in peace ?
Do you really want a me to define desperate or are you just trying to play some cutesy semantics game to make some point? Tell you what - go ahead make your point without me - if you can't fathom what a desperate person, I don't think I'm going to be able to help you.
well, again, if it's me you're replying to, you're talking to someone who knows what DESPERATE means. You have not had the experience of missing an entire day's meals, my family had. You have not known how it is to live near a creek with the water reaching your floor and your feet when the tide comes in, in a house made of CARDBOARDS. My family have.
You have not known how it is to watch your child burn up with fever and have only half an aspirin on hand, I HAVE.
You have not known how it is to watch families at Christmas march by your cardboard house in their new shoes, new everything, and turn and look at your children wearing hand-me downs, I HAVE, do you know how heartbreaking that is ?
No, you don't.
So don't talk to me about desperate, friend.
Are you really willing to separate children from their parents? I'm not there, heart still beating I guess.
It's a risk they took, they need to live with it.
Whether our hearts are beating or not has nothing to do with it.