There is no temporary physical kingdom planned for this world. The kingdom arrived with Jesus at his first coming Luke 11:20. It is spiritual Luke 17:21, and flesh and blood cannot inherit it 1 Corinthians 15:50. It is a kingdom only the born again can see John 3:3. It is a kingdom of faith and cannot be a kingdom of sight 2 Corinthians 5:7 as millennial theories claim Luke 17:20.
The great Tribulation was Jewish only and happened as foretold by Jesus in 70 AD. By destroying the temple and Jerusalem Matthew 24:ff. Jesus told his disciples, “when you see” all of this, spoken in the second person plural, meaning those in his present audience, leave Jerusalem. This they did according to history.
Tribulation is the normal lot of all Christians between the first and Second Advent Acts 14:22.
Nothing remains unfulfilled before Christ returns*. It will be as in Noah’s day, much like today where people marry and are given in marriage Matthew 24:36–39.
On the last day Christ returns followed by the resurrection of the Just John 6:39. Followed by the Rapture 1 Corinthians 15:51–53. Accompanied by the resurrection of the damned and their judgment John 5:29. Accompanied by the destruction of the universe by fire, followed by the creation of the New Heavens and Earth 2 Peter 3:10–13. Where believers of all-time meet and live in the house of the Lord forever Psalm 23:6.
*Many look for the symbols of Revelation to literally appear in the future. But if we look for what the symbols represent, we can see Revelation’s predictions fulfilled time and again throughout history.