Yes, I did for a while. With all the discussions with you and others over the past couple of months, I've studied the Olivet Discourse, Revelation, Daniel, etc. in more detail. I don't believe there is such a person as "The Antichrist".
Well, there WILL BE, or Scripture is incorrect. While John mentiones the spirit of antichrist & said many antichrists have come, the context shows he'd heard that "the" antichrist will come, the most-evil person in history. John wanted to remind his readers that anyone not FOR Christ is antichrist. The coming "beast" will be the penultimate antichrist, with Satan being the ultimate one.
The Man of Sin and the Beast are separate entities.
No, they're not. Same man, multiple titles, just as Jesus has multiple titles.
Additionally, I believe the Beast of the Sea was Rome, but it was personified in Nero.
No, Rome was not THE "beast" kingdom. It was the 4th 'beast' of Daniel's vision, & the 6th one of Revelation. remember, when Rev was given, the 7th kingdom was then future, as was the 8th, which will come outta the 7th. The 7th was the Holy Roman empire which lasted til 1806. The 8th, which will be the beast of Rev. 17, will be formed at first from peoples & nations that made up the two Roman empires. This empire will absorb many other peoples & nations til it rules most of the world.
And while Nero was a bad boy, several other Caesars were as bad, or worse, such as Caligula, Domition, or Commodus. All engaged in many debaucheries, incest, murders, etc.
I made it clear a few weeks ago that I believe Rome was the Beast, and that hasn't changed.
And I made it clear that it wasn't, and why, & that's NOT gonna change. The Roman empire was small, compared to later empires, such as that of Genghis Khan, the Soviet Union, and especially the British empire. But the "beast" empire will be greater than any before it.
While Scripture clearly states that the Beast had a False Prophet, it doesn't say the Man of Sin has a false prophet. As they say on the Millionaire game show, "that's my final answer".
Revelation merely expands upon earlier prophecies, as well as introducing new ones. Other examples of that expansion are its description of many of the plagues of the great trib, and the events of Jesus' return.
While the false prophet will be totally evil himself, he will be subject to the main man. Remember, he can only work miracles in the presence of his boss. But he will be cast alive into the LOF with his boss when Jesus returns.
You really need to abandon that pret garbage so you can tell people what's REALLY coming.