How again is Hillary the better candidate?
She's not Trump.
I'm just going to assume that you don't know how to have a normal conversation and that the following are questions, not hysterical accusations.
You support abortion on demand...
Nope. I don't support abortion at all.
...and forcing people to assist others with abortion.
Nope. I don't support abortion at all.
...You support men using women's rooms, and forcing other people to assist with this.
Nope, not at all.
You support same-sex marriage and forcing other people to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies.
Nope, not at all.
You support amnesty for illegal aliens...
In some tightly-defined circumstances, yes - with payment of all back income tax, if owed. Our nation has done it many times with good results. I had a great uncle that was illegal for a number of years because of circumstances partially out of his control. An offer of amnesty was extended by the government and he made the appropriate arrangements and became a citizen.
I do not support blanket amnesty programs or the use of executive orders to force a political figure's will on the populace (something that Trump is likely to do quite a bit if elected).
I also think we need an appropriate guest worker program that can provides foreign worker access for agricultural labor and other specialized areas of the economy.
...and forcing people to support these immigrants
Nope, not at all.
You support an end to religious freedoms.
Hardly. Neither Ms. Clinton or Mr. Trump have an ideal record on religious liberty, but I believe Trump is much worse. He has specifically asserted that he wants to restriction immigration based on the religion of the applicant. That is a broadside against religious liberty. He has done more than that, but that policy position (which I didn't initially believe until I went to his website and read it) is enough to require me to opposed Trump by itself.
You support higher taxes.
I don't like higher taxes, but if our government can use money effectively and not wastefully, I don't mind paying taxes. I prefer a graduated tax up to around $50,000/year for a family, then a flat tax - without all of the deductions that make our tax code insane and help the rich avoid paying any taxes.
I have no idea what this might be. Maybe, maybe not.
Most of all, you want Hillary to put the Fifth Activist on the Supreme Court.
Nope. I don't want ANY activists on the Supreme Court - left or right wing. I want the Court to be non-political.
You post was very short on reasons why Hillary is better. In fact, you provided not one explanation.
I did not attempt an explanation. Therefore you should not be astonished that I did not provide one.
Your post was just empty hysteria.
I don't recall posting 10 accusations - where eight of them were completely false and the other two were off the mark - like you just did.
Someone is playing you like a fiddle.
How many times have you been fooled by that fiddler?
Jesus does not deceive.
I consider #NeverTrump Followers to be enemies of America.
(1) I am not a #NeverTrump "follower." I decided against Trump before I ever heard of the #NeverTrump movement.
(2) I don't get guidance or direction for anyone else on my political decisions.
(3) Those who opposed religious liberty are opposing the Constitution. "America" is founded on the Constitution. I am attempting to defend the Constition, and thus America.
(4) You know very little about me. How dare you try to pass judgement on me!
(5) Your false accusations in this post are the antithesis of American values, and more importantly, the values of a follower of Christ.
(6) This kind of talk where good citizens are labelled "enemies of America" is exactly the kind of rhetoric that the followers of Mr. Trump perpetuate. So if he wins, is persecution coming? Is he going to have us rounded up and killed? Ms. Clinton has done many, many things I have detested, but I don't recalled her ever having declared that citizens who do not agree with her are "enemies of America."
(7) Trump advocates like you are currently the best argument for me not to support Trump. If this is what Trump inspires, he is toxic to our American way of life.