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An Even Closer Look at God’s Election


Well-Known Member
God's call precedes His election. And not everyone who is called are elected.
Matthew 22:14.
That verse doesnt say that, you make yourself say anything dont you ? Election took place before the foundation of the world, when names were written in the lambs book of life Eph 1:4; Rev 13:8 whereas calling is in time duh


Well-Known Member
Yes. That is God's sovereign will. Some make it seem like God may just act upon his sovereignty and cast you into Hell anyway. He could and he has a right to. But he has revealed to us that he doesn't want to do that and promises he won't. Anyone who takes Romans 9 and tries to turn that into God saying he may just do that to us is malpractice in teaching.
The ones who will be those who will believe are those chosen and elected in Christ by the Heavenly Father from eternity past


Well-Known Member
Election took place before the foundation of the world, when names were written in the lambs book of life Eph 1:4; Rev 13:8 whereas calling is in time duh
Not true.
Ephesians 1:4 is a choosing which precedes being elect. Mark 13:20.
Revelation 13:8 is after being from. Compare usage in Luke 11:50.


Well-Known Member
Matthew 22:14, For many are called, but few are | elect. |
πολλοι γαρ εισι κλητοι ολιγοι δε εκλεκτοι

Dave G

Well-Known Member
Matthew 22:14, For many are called, but few are | elect. |
Do you not see that the Lord Jesus is telling a parable about Israel in that passage, and about those who are elect versus those who are not?
Many are called ( Israel as a nation ) but few are chosen ( Israel comprising the saved remnant, see Romans 11:1-6 ).

".....Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:" ( Romans 9:27 ).

In addition, "from the foundation of the world" is similar in meaning to "from the first century", or "from the first hour"...
It describes a moment in time.
The foundation of the world took 6 days, and the works of God were finished "from the foundation of the world" ( Hebrews 4:3 ).

Please take another look, my friend.
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Alan Dale Gross

Active Member
Matthew 22:14
Matthew 22:14 says, "For many are called, but few are chosen".
It is part of Jesus' parable of the wedding feast,
which is found there in the Gospel of Matthew.

  • Jesus uses the parable to compare the kingdom of heaven to a king who throws a banquet for his son.

  • The verse reminds people that while the gospel is generally called to all,
    only a few are chosen for saving faith.
"for many are called";
externally, under the ministration of the Gospel,
as the Jews in general were, by Christ and His apostles; but

"but few are chosen", in Christ from all Eternity,
because few had been Chosen in Christ from all Eternity,

but for those few who had been Chosen in Christ from all Eternity,
they had been Chosen in Christ from Eternity Past to be Given the Grace of Salvation
and who be among those few who eventually will experience the Glory of Heaven.

both to Grace of Salvation given to those few,
and to the Glory they will eventually experience, as being the Consequence,
of them having been Chosen in Christ from Eternity Past,

and for them to receive Grace that is given them in their Salvationan experience,
and their ultimate experience of the Glory in Heaven are Evidence
of them having been Chosen in Christ from Eternity Past.

However, few among the Jews;
as also in the Gentile world, few among the Gentiles, comparatively speaking:
with respect to the overall population of the Jews, or the Gentiles,
considered in their entirety, had been Chosen in Christ from Eternity Past.

Therefore, while out of the relatively large number of the Jews and Gentiles
within the overall population of their respective nations,
there would be many who would actually receive the opportunity of, at least,
hearing the outward general call of the Gospel,

only a few of those that heard that outward general call of the Gospel Message,
had been Chosen in Christ from Eternity Past, which, as Consequence of that Choosing

would inevitably be Blessed by the Holy Spirit under the preaching of the Gospel,

which would then show the Evidence of them
having been chosen in Christ from Eternity Past,

when they then would be among the few who were Inwardly and Effectually Called
SUPERNATURALLY, in their soul by the Holy Spirit by the All Powerful Grace of God,
that He had Planned Forever,

where then at that moment in Time, sometime during the History of the World,
God Orchestrated those particular Chosen souls to have the Holy Spirit Present,
as well as, to have a preacher arraigned at their Appointed Time to be Saved
who would then preach the Gospel to them, specifically, in His Eternal Purpose,

for the Holy Spirit to Use the Word and Bare witness in their soul BY THE NEW BIRTH,

which would then BRING THEIR LOST SOUL'S Out of Darkness into Marvellous Light,
into the Grace and Liberty of the Gospel, and into Eternal Communion with Christ,

and to the obtaining Jesus' Kingdom and Everlasting Glory in Eternal Life,

again, according to sole Purpose of the Eternal Lord God, and Savior Jesus Christ
in Satisfaction of Him having first Chosen and Elected them from all Etrrnity Past,


And not everyone who is called are elected.
Yeah. Right. In spite of yourself, that actually is a Historical Fact.

Not everyone who is outward called in the natural, physical, fleshly heard general call,
eventually show the manifest token as being the Consequence of Eternal Election

and the undeniable Evidence of having been Chosen in Christ from Eternity Past,

God's call precedes His election.
God does Call and He did PLAN in Election to Save those He Gave Jesus to Save,
THAT PART IS TRUE, and the rest is not. Thank you, for your opinion.

I do not agree.

Alan Dale Gross

Active Member
God's call precedes His election.
"It is a fact that sometimes the Scripture, in referring to both the calling and
election of believers, or in alluding to the called and elected, mentions the
former first. See Matt. 22:14; 2 Pet. 1:10; Rev. 17:14.

"The "called" of Matt. 22:14:

(the Greek word being an adjective used substantively) are those to
whom only the general, external, and, for the most part, ineffectual call,
through the preaching of the gospel, is sounded.

"This class is composed of many.

"But of these only a few, comparatively speaking, belong to the chosen,
elect, as evidenced by the fact that only the few believe the gospel.

"The other two passages cited mention calling and election
in the order in which they are realized in the experience.

"One knows his election only by the calling (quickening)
that he has received of the Holy Spirit.

"That the passages given above do not fix the chronological or even the logical, order of calling and election is evident from the proofs that have been given of the eternity of election, and from Rom. 8:29,30, where the order is manifestly the true logical order.

There foreknowledge and predestination, which involve election,
are placed before calling.

"Then Rom. 8:28 asserts that we are called (particularly, internally, and effectually) "according to his (God's) purpose." And this purpose involves election.

"Thus election must precede calling, just as the purpose to call must precede the actual call since the calling is according to the divine purpose.

"Those who urge this objection against the eternity of election need to note
that the Scripture does not always name things in either their logical or
chronological order. For instance, 2 Tim. 1:9 puts salvation before calling.

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Dave G

Well-Known Member
Matthew 22:14, . . . many . . . called . . . few . . . elect
Exactly as Romans 9 tells us:

" Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:"


Well-Known Member
Exactly as Romans 9 tells us:

" Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:"
I don't think so.
An interpretation which would exclude Gentles, who are not Israel.

Alan Dale Gross

Active Member
That you are confused.
Chosen, εξελεξατο
Called, κλητοι
Elect, εκλεκτοι
Ephesians 1:4, chosen
Matthew 22:14, . . . many . . . called . . . few . . . elect

How are you not confused?
"We note the foreordination has the same effect as election, and is the same in meaning, but it concerns events as well as people.

"Predestination is explained in the notes below.

"Calling means the bringing to manifestation that (or those) which has (or have) been elected and predestinated.

"Election is not "Hard-shellism." The belief commonly referred to as "Hard-shellism" says that God elects and saves without the gospel.

"Therefore, consistently, those who hold to this belief do not propagate missions or evangelism.

"But election takes in the means (gospel) by which the elect are called (II Thessalonians 2:13-14)."

13 "But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning Chosen you to Salvation through Sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth:

14 "Whereunto He Called you by our Gospel, to the obtaining of the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ."

"This passage includes the whole scope of God's purpose in Election:

"(1) Chosen.

"(2) Chosen from the beginning.

(3) Chosen to salvation.

(4) To be Sanctified (separated or made fit for the Master's use) by means of the Spirit and belief in the Word of God (the Gospel).

(5) It is to be realized by faith -
"belief in the truth,"
through the enabling power of the Spirit.

(6) The elect are called "by our gospel." (See also Romans 10:8-24.)

"Here are some questions to make us think through this problem":

"1. Is the sinner free, as far as God is concerned, to choose for himself?

The answer is "yes."

"2. If the sinner is finally lost, is it his own fault or God's?

The answer is, it is his own fault.

"3. Is the sinner a free moral agent?

Yes, if by moral we mean decisions on issues among men. Man's relationship to man is moral, and he can, in a limited way at least, make decisions in that realm.

"4. Is the sinner a free spiritual agent?

"That is, can he make decisions which concern his relationship to God?

"Not in himself. His will is bound by a nature that is opposed to God, and he cannot will to do God's Will."

Thoughts on the Doctrine of Election.
by Buell H. Kazee.

Alan Dale Gross

Active Member
Of all people,
Scofield came through on this one.

"First, what do we mean by "Election"? Perhaps no better statement of it is found than that which is presented in the Scofield Bible.

"Election is, (1) The Sovereign Act of God whereby certain are Chosen from among mankind for Himself (John 15:19).

(2) The Sovereign Act of God whereby certain Elect persons are Chosen for distinctive service for Him (Luke 6:13; Acts 9:15: I Corinthians 1:27, 28).

"In both Testaments the Hebrew and Greek words are rendered 'elect,' 'election,' 'choose,' 'chosen.'

"In all cases they mean, simply, 'chosen,' or, 'to choose'; and are used of both human and Divine Choices.

"In the latter uses Election is:
(a) corporate, as of the nation of Israel, or the church (Isaiah 45:4; Ephesians 1:4);

and (b) individual (I Peter 1:2). Election is according to the foreknowledge of God (I Peter 1:2), and wholly of grace, apart from human merit (Romans 9:11; 11:5, 6).

"Election proceeds from the divine volition (John 15.16).

"The Divine Order is Foreknowledge, Election, Predestination.

"That Foreknowledge determines the Election or Choice is clear from I Peter 1:2, and Predestination is bringing to pass the Election.

"Election looks back to Foreknowledge; Predestination looks forward to Destiny.'

"But Scripture nowhere declares what it is in the Divine Foreknowledge which determines Divine Election and Predestination.

(Alan's Note: O.K., Scofield says that and this country preacher believes I see something here:

Ephesians 1:5; "Having Predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the Good Pleasure of His Will,")

"The Foreknown are Elected, and the Elect are Predestinated, and this Election is certain to every believer by the mere fact that he believes
(I Thessalonians 1:4, 5);

4 "Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.

5 "For our Gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in Power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much Assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake."

Alan Dale Gross

Active Member
You are confused

"If ye were of the world,
the world would love his own:

"but because ye are not of the world,
but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."
John 15:19.

4 "Knowing, brethren beloved,
your Election of God.

5 "For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance;

"as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake."