The Calvinist slanders deny that all means all if the verse says God desires all men to be saved, yet they take the opposite position and declare all means all when God is all knowing. It appears they all went to the NWT school of hermeneutics.
The closed theism God of Calvinism is the author of sin because God predestines whatsoever comes to pass, including sin. To dodge this, they claim irrationally, God is not the author of sin, but just how is a mystery. LOL
Folks, all they have is shuck and jive. God's word says things happen by chance, but Calvinism says chance does not mean chance. ROFLOL
It boggles the mind how anyone starting with a full deck, aka the Bible, could throw out so many cards, God loves the world gone, God desires all men to be saved gone, God sets before us the choice of life and death gone and so forth and so on.