Well, in his 65 years of Christian service he taught thousands of Christians how to be more effective servants of the Lord. By so doing he multiplied by several thousand those he could have reached entirely on his own. In fact, if you do a search on who his students were over the years you will find that such luminaries as John D. Woodbridge, Thomas McComiskey and many others who, like the two mentioned, wrote dozens of books on Theology, many of which are used as textbooks in Evangelical Seminaries.
He was also one of the authors of the "Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy" - a solid bedrock defense of the inerrancy of Scripture.
He has influenced several thousands, perhaps as many as several tens of thousands, for the Kingdom. How many have you influenced?
Depends on how much service for the Lord was accomplished.
Do we denigrate years of hard work and time and money spent on getting a proper education in preparation for our Kingdom service?
Do you have something against education and educated people?