Don't know what you mean by "Dispensationalism run amok." Properly understood, dispensationalism does not divorce the OT and NT, but carefully considers God's plan through the ages.
John, having been a Dispensationalist for over 20 years I have a pretty good understanding of the system. My theological education began in Dispensational strongholds. I say this to establish a bona fide of sorts when commenting on Dispensationalism.
The reason I wrote "Dispensationalism run amok" is because the bifurcation of Old and New Covenants has, at its root, the separation of Israel and the Church. This is in keeping with classical Dispensationalism. I believe Andy Stanley has this in mind when he downplays the significance of the Old Testament in "the church age". For all that is new with Progressive Dispensationalism, its root is still in Darbyism. The Dispensationalism I was educated in had a high regard for the Old Testament. Perhaps this indicates just how off the reservation Stanley has wandered.