First Matthew 22:30 is a clear reference to the ability to procreate. The angels are spirit beings and not physical like we are. To suggest that “not given in marriage” somehow leaves out the sexuality is to ignore the context and the clear implication.
You have the teaching of the verse wrong.
Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
The teaching is the opposite. The question was about a woman who had been bereaved of her husband and then remarried seven times. Whose wife would she be in heaven. The answer:
They (man in his resurrected body) neither marry nor are given in marriage... in heaven
--The verse actually supports my position. There is no "marriage" in heaven except for the marriage of the lamb.
That does not exclude marriage on the earth. Nowhere does the Bible exempt marriage for angelic beings on earth.
Second, the Bible teaches we are lower than the angels, indicating the angels are higher and mightier than us. They can do greater things than us, presumably the act of procreation included.
Third, the Bible indicates that both the angels and mankind are spirit beings.
2 Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of
this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:
3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.
--Without this earthly tabernacle (this body) we are naked (that is, just a spirit), just like all the spirits of the living that are in heaven right now awaiting the resurrection. We are spirit beings. We have a temporary body. Later on we will have a glorified body like Christ. That is just the body. That is the outer shell. Like the angels we are spirit beings.
The angels can assume a body at any time.
The difference is that the good angels do the will of their Father ("On earth as it is in Heaven.")
--But in Genesis 6, they were celestial beings, but not good angels. They were demons.
Genesis 1 tells us that everything including man will reproduce after its kind. That has never been changed or done otherwise.
Basically angels and man are of the same "kind." We are a "little lower than the angels," spirit beings, not a different "kind."
The phrase “sons of God” does not always refer to angels and in fact refers to men at times. (Romans 8:14; Like 3:38)
The term "sons of God" consistently refers to angels
in the OT. And that is what the context is here. We are not speaking of NT terminology.
The same is true of "son of man." Ezekiel, for example, is often called "the son of man," whereas in the NT, it is a title for Christ.
In Genesis 6 scripture tells us that God will not tolerate man any longer. Nowhere in that passage are angels or the off spring of angels even mentioned. (because it is an absurd fairy tale)
You fail to mention what this great wickedness is; how it came about; how and what it was that God caused the entire population of the world to be wiped out. The simple intermarriage between Seth and Cain couldn't have done that. It is not reasonable to suppose that. It cannot even be proven. There is not even any evidence.
Also, and this is the clincher, there were giants around before scripture says the “sons of God” ever procreated with the daughters.
Thus ends the fairy tale.
Read more carefully. Were there giants before this wickedness started taking place? How long had this wickedness been going on? Why were there giants in the land. It wasn't just an all of a sudden event. God tolerated it up to a certain point.
Then he said: "My spirit shall not always strive with man." And that didn't refer to intermarriage.