First, it doesn't matter if you believe in annihilationism. God knows what He will do with rebels and I am fine with whatever God wills.I haven't really made any arguments for Annihilationism. It is unnecessary. All I have to do is allow defenders of ECT to keep talking. It is people like you (who try to liken Conditionalism to atheism) who are losing the battle for the Evangelical mind on this issue.
Compelling and Biblically based arguments for Annihilationism are proffered (not usually by me) because I'm not interested in wasting my time.
Statements like yours above are why true Bible-Believers are abandoning ECT in droves.
Here's how it happens:
Step 1: Someone who has believed in ECT for years (and has always assumed Annihilationism is mere heresy) hears a cogent and Biblically-based argument by a conservative Evangelical for Annihilationism (this usually only makes them curious to know more).
Step 2: They study the issue a little more (not even close to being convinced) and seek to find the ECT response to modern arguments for Conditional Immortality.
Step 3: They realize how comparatively weak the response to Annihilationist arguments by even the best defenders of ECT (like Peterson) really are and desperately seek to find a stronger apologist for your failing doctrine.
Step 4: They realize the paucity of actual Biblical evidence for your view and compare the overwhelming evidence for C. Immortality.
Step 5: They then come across brilliantly crafted statements such as yours above where, with a dismissive wave of the hand people such as yourself compare them to atheists, finally realizing that that is all you've ever really had.
For instance: Here's a link to anyone interested where Chris Date debates with defender of ECT Phil Fernandes...........frankly, Date wipes the floor with him. Fernandes does admirably, but the Scripture just is not on his side. He's bringing a knife to a gun-fight.
Chris Date and Phil Fernandes Debate Hell - YouTube
My point is that annihilationism is the belief of atheists so you simply affirm them and provide encouragement to be a hedonist.
Second, your biblical references are unimpressive and your interpretation of these passages is incorrect, therefore I expect God does not agree with your opinion.
If Christians abandon God's Sovereignty, that is a slippery slope to atheism. However, the elect will not abandon God's Sovereignty.