If that is true....
There are two meanings that I have heard of with regards to anointing with oil.
1. It is representative of the HG
2. It was actually medicine and the elders would be called because doctors were not readily available so they would combine the prayer of the church and taking medicine.
I agree that it is unnecessary to use oil for the purpose of representing the HG since we are now indwelt. In the OT the HG acted in an external way and during the church age He acts in an internal way. Anointing with oil serves no purpose today. If we are sick take our medicine and pray.
.... then why do we baptize in water? Why lay our physical hands-on people? Why do we share the bread and wine? After all, Rev, as you say, we now have the Holy Spirit in us, so these physical elements should no longer be necessary to obey and follow the lead of the word! If what I read in your comment is right, the Holy Ghost is now in all of us, so physical contact is no longer needed, as our blessings and prayers can take place by a form of spiritual osmosis! :thumbs:
Anne said it best - "We've done it for the sick as per James 5 and there are times that people are healed (my daughter) and times that they are not. But we are told to do it so we do." I'd agree with Anne ... and anyone else who believes in the literal use of oil! Use it in faith and let God do what He does best, answer the need taken before Him, because it was done out of obedience!
Once again, it is really up to you folks to do as
you see best. No one can know what or if the oil is symbolic or even necessary as a symbol! So, if you don't want to use oil, DON'T! But, please don't poke fun at, or critise those who do use oil!
I use oil, because I happen to believe that it is as representative to obeying and following the teachings put down before us in the Gospels, as it is to baptise in water, and serve the elements of communion! But then again, I also believe in the gifts, and washing feet.
Maybe the oil, like some of the gifts, ended at Pentecost! But as for me an my house, we will serve the Lord!
Do what is best for you, but don't keep putting down those who follow the word according to how they percieve it to read, as being "Not in touch!"
And for those who have made fun, like using non-cholesteral oil, let me say that I would not want to be responsible to answering for those puns and jokes, should they be called to your attention at the judgement!
Of course, the above in my opinion, and I do not care if you like it or not! I do not care if your accept it or not. I do not care what you think or believe, because I have discovered, for myself, what works, and as for oil and laying on of hands, with the elders or deacons or pastors joining in with me, let me just say, "It works for me!" And those who come for prayer expect oil and the laying on of hands in the churches I attend!