New Member
Well th quotes you provided do not address the points ... and much of what I saw is 'preaching' not scholarship ... and no sources .. opinionsIn spite of what you call his weaknesses he has done much research, and the research that he has done he has given credit for, often using first hand sources. This is the typical thinking of Catholics (I had hoped not you), that when you don't like the message you shoot the messenger.
You have been misled by liberal scholars. It is not a knowable fact. It is a theory put forth by those that would destroy the Bible. You have no basis in fact here. I also have studied this matter quite thoroughly. I know that you are dead wrong. Answer me this. How can books written during the time of Christ be included in a book that was written between 250 and 150 B.C.? You are putting forth the impossible. You still have no answer for that question. Do some research. Find out the dates of the 14 books of the Apocrypha, when they were written.
Your opinion, actually I am not influenced byy 'liberal' scholars .. and no one I have studied with is trying to destroy the bible ... I will say that they do not have your anti-catholic bias ...
A few scholars date one or two of the apocrapha to the 1st century AD ... answer me this - how can apocryphal works found at Qumran have been written after Christ? ...
And do you know that the closing of the Canon by the catholics at Trent was a response to Luther's playing with the scriptures? Christian writings in which the catholics listed their canon existed long before Trent and they included these disputed writings. It is diengenous to state that the catholics 'added' these books at Trent - Sorry - but that is bigotry at work and I will not go there as history does not support it. I don't have a dog in that 500 year old debate with LutherDo you know that they were not officially accepted, even by the RCC until 1534?
How fortunate for you to have this book - I only have a pdf version .. aas well as for its not including the apocrypha - I hold that to the non-catholic position of the publisher .. He certainly mentions Sirach in the preface discussion so he knew it was part of the Septuagint - he just did not include those portions ... there are far older extant versions that include them .. you can call that catholic bias and added by catholics all you want ... funny how they influenced so much ancient manuscriptus - when you personally don't admit that catholics existed in the first 3 centuries ...I have a copy of the Septuagint. It was printed in London by Bagster & Sons in 1879. It is an old book. In its introduction it gives a history of the Septuagint and tells how it went through a number of recensions. The Jews and Apostles would never have accepted the apocryphal books or allowed them into Septuagint. They were not put in until much later, possibly not until the date of Origen's time. The Septuagint that I have does not include the Apocryphal books.
I always like advice like - study but avoid this "source" because they are wrong .. I would not buy that advice from a "catholic" as in "study the scriputres but stay away from baptist sources" .... Your David Cloud has similar warnings about lots of denominations ....Then pick up any one of dozens of OT or NT Survey textbooks, Bible Encyclopedias, Bible Dictionaries, etc. But avoid the Catholic sources and other liberal sources. Even the study Bible that I use agrees with me.
There are two streams of thought concerning the Waldenses.
The one is that they were a people that followed Peter Waldo, a preacher in the 12th century. That is true.
However the word "Waldenses" also means "people of the valley." Even a Roman Catholic Bishop, Cardinal Hosius, attests that the Waldenses date right back to the Apostles.
Right - that quote from the Cardinal Hosius - can you cite the source - I mean other then the "Trail of Blood" citation because along with that book it - I think that one has been debunked as inaccuarate or at least a mischaracterization.
So for the record, I saw our claim uniting the Waldensians to the Itala - it is an intriguing thought but you really provide no authoritative sources other then an I say so, random bible quotes on the sufficiency and Godly inspiration of the Scriptures by a preacher [who holds anti-catholic and anti-just about every well known protestant], loys of discussion on how the KJV is the best , that you know exactly the historical dating of ancient manuscripts and don't think I do, that I am influenced by liberals and the inclusion of anti-catholic digs [as if that would mean anything to me personally].
What sources [scholarly] do you use to date the Waldensians to the 2nd century and for your assertion that the Septuagint or the Vetus Italia did not contain the apocrypha ... it is an easy request ... a Book Title and an Author ... and hopefully it won't be Jack Chick or Mr. Cloud