In a previous post I gave some documentation for the date of the Peshitta. You have given nothing but your opinion. That is unacceptable. That is why it is frustrating trying to hold any intelligent debate with you. I do not hold your "facts", your opinions, as gospel truth. Come down a bit and give some documentation.
No what is unacceptable is your insistence upon expressing opinion as fact. Where is this extant Peshitta from 250 AD found? What museum is this Peshitta housed in and what scholars have studied it and wrote bout it? No, what you are doing is using the results of biblical scholarship, bending that scholarship to meet your POV and presenting that as a fact but is your opinion.
Dating the Peshitta as a work to 250 AD - like the dating of all other ancient works is based upon information gleaned from the extant writings of various people [those like the early Christian fathers, Josephus, and many others, etc] and the various extant manuscripts [of the Peshitta there are over 200, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the CS, CV, etc] and comparing the compositions against other and with those things written about the scriptures, including those writings that were produced for worship like lectionaries. And dating manuscripts is not an exact science. Much of the extant writings we have are mere fragments and much of the corpus is incomplete.
Just as you wrote that the apocrypha was placed in an appendix … a half truth, a truth that has its origins in the 16th century AD [as did the use of ‘textus receptus’] and reading that back into history and applying it to those ancient manuscripts.
You have not provided any factual proof for the corpus of writings considered the Septuagint. Just comments like – that’s what you study bible states, or it is commonly taught in bible colleges … I am looking for an extant historical document that supports you claim. I believe that you can’t provide it because it does not exist – if it did I would know about it and you would have produced it already.
Your angst over the Septuagint including the apocrypha, their inclusion in early Christian ‘canons’ etc, challenges your anti-catholic bias. Rather then defend your theological differences through the lens of the early Christian history, you decide to deny the history and argue from that revision …
As I noted earlier, it is no wonder that other posters here are far more frustrated then I believe I have made you... All I ask is for you to support your claim that the Vetus Itala was a Waldensian 2nd century corpus [it was not] and that it reflected a reduced canon [like our protestant] rather then the longer canon [catholic or orthodox] … at least as I can find.
You need to support that claim with objective evidence – not what someone believes just because the ‘catholics’ are wrong – with manuscripts, archeology – and not references from a post Reformation work like your Septuagint from the 1800’s that was printed incompletely to match the protestant bible. I provided the evidence on the Peshitta [extant and dated to the mid 5th century AD] and it contains the apocrypha the source of which is the Septuagint according to biblical scholarship as is the Book of Isaiah –