Male pastors are in the news for violating women almost every week too. Shall we do nothing to prevent that or shall we continue on providing opportunities for temptation?donnA said:male pastors counsel women in the church all the time, or are you suggesting we need female pastors too?
There are churches which have women counselors that are very well trained. Before my wife and I were married she saw a lady in the church who was a professional conselor and had a practice of her own. She was much better equipped than the pastor and had lots of training and degrees in that area. Most pastors have very little or no training in counseling. When I went to seminary it was not required at all. However I did take some classes because I knew that it would be needed.This would violate scripture.
And, we as the church of Jesus do not have the US military as biblical authority as to whats right and wrong, nor 'some denominations', but scripture alone. People wish to violate scripture every day, and many of those are christians, who prefer to do life their way not God's.
In the parachurch organization I was involved in it was never permissible to counsel a woman. Another woman always did that.
Some of the women in churches would like nothing better than to trap the pastor into doing something they would like and to do something he should not.
When I worked in industry we had glass walls for our offices to prevent that very problem. The church should always take greater care than a business where non-Christians work because it is held to a higher standard. Christians should have the highest ethics of anyone.
To think that a pastor can counsel better than a woman counselor if ridiculous. Where are the older women teaching the younger women? How does the pastor fulfill that role?
If you look back at what the early Christians did, a pastor never dealt with a lady in the church. That was very much consider a taboo. It was the role of the women leaders in the church to deal with the women in the church. In fact today that practice is still common in many of the churches in those countries. If you read some of the early church documents you will quickly see that the mixing of men and women was not like what we do today. Look at how promiscuous the church is today. It is amazing how many young peope in the church today have done things they should have never done which in earlier years would have never been considered.
When I pastored it was never the men who had a problem with my stance on counseling women. It was the women who did.
There are also men who have violated women numerous times and there are women who have falsely accused the pastor of things he did not do.
Women should be daling with women and men with men.
What you write about is American Christianity with its promiscuous ways and not historical bibilical Christianity making every effort to maintain its holiness and integrity.