What has made America so great over the past 200 years is often referred to as the "American Spirit!" Unfortunately, the very fabric of that spirit has been tattered and torn by the likes of those who push and teach "Tolerance" and Political Correctness"
Political Correctness and Tolerance classes being taught in the workplace and at our schools and colleges are the reason today's new Americans balk at speaking English when out in the public. In my mind, I see their disdain of speaking English and assimilating, as being a form of rebellion toward a nation they really don't love. There are even an awful lot of people ,from second, third, fourth generation American families [mostly those who call themselves liberals] who detest American values, and speak about leaving.
I say, let them go. Let Alex Baldwin, Johnny Depp, and any other Hollywood liberal leave, and take with them those immigrants who have come here to change America. Chances are they'll never come to love our great nation any ways.
However, if it is your choice to remain, than I invite you to roll back you sleeves, forget about being politically correct, and speak English when you're around those who speak English. That is what makes it much easier to assimilate and become one of us!
However, if you truly miss your countries traditions, clothing, holidays, and the day-to-day customs of your birth nation, strongly consider going back home, because, people like me, will protect our right to live and breathe American...we say to those who don't really like this country, remember the Words of our Revolutionary forefathers, "Don't Tread on Me!" While the majority of Americans seem polite and willing to let you live as you see fit, believe me, there will come the breaking point. I call it the Alamo syndrome; the line in the sand...In the end, Americans will "rise up as Americans" and fight those politically correct, tolerance preaching folks in order to preserve the American way of life.
Don't let our laid back looks, uncombed hair, and friendly smile on our face fool you. We love this country, nearly as much as we love our God, however, like a tree trunk, if the wind pushes the trunk too far, it will reach its breaking point, and in order to save the tree, it will snap back, and that is what the liberals need to watch out for.
This is America, and our with arms wide open, we eagerly welcome each and every one of our immigrant brothers and sisters. We have one rule here, if you're an American join us...and that means join us in everything. Of course, joining us in everything means speaking our excepted language, dressing like us [keeping material off your head in order to hide your eyes and face].And stop trying to change our traditions, customs and holidays, instead, enjoy the American holidays. Most importantly, we ask that you work hard and fast at assimilating, just like our fore-fathers did over the century's. This is what made us, as Americans, great!!!
Many from around the world have referred to America as a huge melting pot of ideas, cultures, customs and traditions. While some may resent being called a "melting pot", it remains true that Americans are proud of being from a melting pot nation where millions have come together and become one under the Eagle and in the God we Trust! Like the ingredients tossed in the pot to make a hearty, healthy stew, we are proud of how Americans have come together as one, united for the colors of a flag that never runs when facing a fight. Americans are a mixture of many customs and cultures, and the end product is something special. Our melting pot society has stood tall and together for over 200 hundred years, and we are proud to be a special blend of people who are willing to go any where around the world when a brother or sister nation is in need.
To be a blending that looks like an American; speaks like and American; and joins in each year on specially set days to celebrate the reason for that day.
If this is too difficult a task, then find another nation that is socially and culturally tolerant to your specific needs. Just don't forget....millions have passed by the "great Lady in the New York Bay" with the heart set purpose to "become and American". And being an American means we're ready to roll back the sleeves on our shirts and blouses, pitch in and get dirty, and hand-in-hand help build and maintain one of the greatest nations on this earth! This is what made us great than, and this is what will KEEP us great forever.
Political Correctness and Tolerance classes being taught in the workplace and at our schools and colleges are the reason today's new Americans balk at speaking English when out in the public. In my mind, I see their disdain of speaking English and assimilating, as being a form of rebellion toward a nation they really don't love. There are even an awful lot of people ,from second, third, fourth generation American families [mostly those who call themselves liberals] who detest American values, and speak about leaving.
I say, let them go. Let Alex Baldwin, Johnny Depp, and any other Hollywood liberal leave, and take with them those immigrants who have come here to change America. Chances are they'll never come to love our great nation any ways.
However, if it is your choice to remain, than I invite you to roll back you sleeves, forget about being politically correct, and speak English when you're around those who speak English. That is what makes it much easier to assimilate and become one of us!
However, if you truly miss your countries traditions, clothing, holidays, and the day-to-day customs of your birth nation, strongly consider going back home, because, people like me, will protect our right to live and breathe American...we say to those who don't really like this country, remember the Words of our Revolutionary forefathers, "Don't Tread on Me!" While the majority of Americans seem polite and willing to let you live as you see fit, believe me, there will come the breaking point. I call it the Alamo syndrome; the line in the sand...In the end, Americans will "rise up as Americans" and fight those politically correct, tolerance preaching folks in order to preserve the American way of life.
Don't let our laid back looks, uncombed hair, and friendly smile on our face fool you. We love this country, nearly as much as we love our God, however, like a tree trunk, if the wind pushes the trunk too far, it will reach its breaking point, and in order to save the tree, it will snap back, and that is what the liberals need to watch out for.
This is America, and our with arms wide open, we eagerly welcome each and every one of our immigrant brothers and sisters. We have one rule here, if you're an American join us...and that means join us in everything. Of course, joining us in everything means speaking our excepted language, dressing like us [keeping material off your head in order to hide your eyes and face].And stop trying to change our traditions, customs and holidays, instead, enjoy the American holidays. Most importantly, we ask that you work hard and fast at assimilating, just like our fore-fathers did over the century's. This is what made us, as Americans, great!!!
Many from around the world have referred to America as a huge melting pot of ideas, cultures, customs and traditions. While some may resent being called a "melting pot", it remains true that Americans are proud of being from a melting pot nation where millions have come together and become one under the Eagle and in the God we Trust! Like the ingredients tossed in the pot to make a hearty, healthy stew, we are proud of how Americans have come together as one, united for the colors of a flag that never runs when facing a fight. Americans are a mixture of many customs and cultures, and the end product is something special. Our melting pot society has stood tall and together for over 200 hundred years, and we are proud to be a special blend of people who are willing to go any where around the world when a brother or sister nation is in need.
To be a blending that looks like an American; speaks like and American; and joins in each year on specially set days to celebrate the reason for that day.
If this is too difficult a task, then find another nation that is socially and culturally tolerant to your specific needs. Just don't forget....millions have passed by the "great Lady in the New York Bay" with the heart set purpose to "become and American". And being an American means we're ready to roll back the sleeves on our shirts and blouses, pitch in and get dirty, and hand-in-hand help build and maintain one of the greatest nations on this earth! This is what made us great than, and this is what will KEEP us great forever.