Well-Known Member
“When the left and members of the media attempt to otherize a conservative Catholic woman this way, it only affirms what Trump has been selling to his supporters for four years: that Democrats are out to get them, that feminism only defends “some” women, that he is the only protector of American Christianity, and that the media is fake news. In an election year where turnout could be consequential down to the tens of voters, that could help mobilize enough of the evangelicals, suburban women and Republicans who’d been drifting away from Trump right back into his arms.
It’s also just gross. That in 2020 Catholics are still fair game for this kind of bigotry is shameful. We have to be better than this — but then, these days that often seems like too much to ask.”
Anti-Catholic attacks on Amy Coney Barrett will help get Trump re-elected
It’s also just gross. That in 2020 Catholics are still fair game for this kind of bigotry is shameful. We have to be better than this — but then, these days that often seems like too much to ask.”
Anti-Catholic attacks on Amy Coney Barrett will help get Trump re-elected