I am on a book buying freeze as I have too many books to read and need to discern what I buy. For my birthday I bought two books one in systematic theology and the other on the trinity and await them in the mail. However I am always welcome to reading more on Preterism, Amillennialism, PostMillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, and so forth but I can only receive FREE books, and can't buy any due to my book buying freeze. Another poster here bought me a book called Free Grace Soteriology which I will return to read soon, but its enjoyable to learn about the other positions. This guy makes much different arguments than Mac, and seems to rely a little more on the Hermeneutical Spiral (Grant Osborne) over Mac whom has yet to mentioned the word hermeneutics in Faith Works. So I am open to learning opposing views. I do not wish to be like one poster here whom refuses to read books or hear any argument other than his own. But I must also hold to my book buying freeze until I finish a number of books in my to read pile.
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