I never heard of Larry Pettegrew in my life, and on the basis of that quote, I am not too troubled.
I have heard of him, and count him as a friend. We had a great time chatting at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in San Antonio last November.
Dr. Pettegrew completed his M.R.E., M.Div. and Th.M. at Central Baptist Theological Seminary; and his Th.D. at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Dr. Pettegrew taught at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College (my wife's alma mater) for over 10 years. While at Pillsbury, he served as chairman of both the Christian Education and Bible departments. Following his time at Pillsbury, he served as the Dean of Students and taught at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Pettegrew was then asked to join Central Baptist Theological Seminary (my alma mater but he was several years after I left), where he taught for 14 years, serving as Registrar and Academic Dean at different times while at Central.
Following Central, Dr. Pettegrew moved on to The Master’s Seminary and was the Professor of Theology for 12 years before accepting the executive vice presidency of Shepherds Theological Seminary—a position he presently holds in addition to his role as Academic Dean.
Dr. Pettegrew has published many articles in publications such as Bibliotheca Sacra, The Master’s Seminary Journal, and Central Bible Quarterly. He has also written and published The New Covenant Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
B.A. Bob Jones University
M.R.E. Central Baptist Theological Seminary
M.Div. Central Baptist Theological Seminary
Th.M. Central Baptist Theological Seminary
Th.D. Dallas Theological Seminary
American Fundamentalism
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Selected Publications
The New Covenant Ministry of the Holy Spirit
From Backcover: He is our Helper, Comforter, and Counselor, and without Him we cannot live the Christian life. Yet His role in believers’ lives is at the heart of one of the Church’s most difficult and controversial issues.
It’s significantly easier to recognize that the Day of Pentecost changed the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of God’s people than to clearly identity how that changed. At times the biblical data seems puzzling, and scholars have often confused the scriptural teaching about the Holy Spirit by isolating Bible verses from their context and elevating experience over doctrine.
In this revised edition of The New Covenant Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Larry Pettegrew does thorough and careful exegesis to build an accurate and meaningful biblical theology of the Holy Spirit. The author is also careful to emphasize genuine spirituality by including a discussion of the filling, fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Kregel, 1993
Journal Articles
“Teaching Principles of Christ.” Central Bible Quarterly, Spring, 1972.
“Teaching Methods of Christ.” Central Bible Quarterly, Summer, 1972.
“The Niagara Bible Conference and American Fundamentalism.” Part I. Central Bible Quarterly, Winter, 1976.
“The Niagara Bible Conference and American Fundamentalism.” Part II. Central Bible Quarterly, Spring, 1977.
“Liberation Theology and Hermeneutical Preunderstandings.” Bibliotheca Sacra, July-September, 1991.
“Dispensationalists and Spirit Baptism.” The Master’s Seminary Journal, Spring, 1997.
“A Kinder, Gentler Theology of Hell?” The Master’s Seminary Journal, Fall, 1998.
“The New Covenant.” The Master’s Seminary Journal, Fall, 1999.
“The Rapture Debate at the Niagara Bible Conference.” Bibliotheca Sacra, July-September, 2000.
“Theological Basis of Ethics.” The Master’s Seminary Journal, Fall, 2000.
“Interpretive Flaws in the Olivet Discourse.” The Master’s Seminary Journal, Fall, 2002.
“The Perspicuity of Scripture.” The Master’s Seminary Journal, Fall, 2004.
“Evangelicals, Paradigms, and the Emerging Church.” The Master’s Seminary Journal, Fall, 2006.
“The New Covenant and New Covenant Theology.” The Master’s Seminary Journal, Fall, 2007.