What so many fail to realize is that both Preterism and Dispensationalism are hermeneutical frameworks that are used to understand the scriptures. There will never be a consensus between two people who are using different hermeneutical frameworks to understand their bibles.
The Preterist hermeneutical framework forces the reader to understand that John was exiled early (even though it is clearly wrong) and that all of the extraordinary things mentioned in the Revelation have already happened (even though it is absurd to think so) including those things will be seen by every eye. This hermeneutic also denies any future for Israel, and denies they were and are God's chosen people through whom came the Messiah who still have a future in God's Perfect Plan.
The Dispensationalist hermeneutical framework, on the other hand, forces the reader to see a parenthesis for the entire present age, and not seeing the connection of Spiritual Israel and the Church as being a single entity. This hermeneutic makes it difficult for the Dispensationalist to see the Old Testament promises made to (Spiritual) Israel as they were being fulfilled in the Church.
Then there are people like me (you know, the guys who are right) who see the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Kingdom. Meets my requirement of KISS.