Let's do a refresher of what you said.
What you said above wasn't based on the Bible but your opinion. (ok, the story of Lazarus was on the Bible...) The Holy Spirit convicts the heart. Just giving the gospel alone doesn't save. I've given the gospel to people and they were not saved.
Actually, what's written above is manmade theology and not found in Scripture. Define "convicting the heart". Besides giving us the Bible, Scripture is clear all men have God's law written on their heart. It also states each and every one of us have been specially placed to seek Him (literally grope around for Him as in a blind state) although He is not far from any of us. It also is clear each uf us instinctively know God and His power through creation.
Are these all not works of the Spirit? If so please tell me what work He performs so that we can identify what is already His work?