I do not understand answers like this. I understand what you are saying but fail to see how it advances the discussion.
The statement I responded to was also very general,so my response was also.
In order to advance the discussion you would need to add to this statement what view of Calvinism is incorrect and just what is the correct view.
The bible teaches God is in control and man is responsible...agreed.
Calvinism rightly portrays how both actually take place,according to biblical revelation...not man made logic.
Some who are first working their way through these ideas for the first time often
mis-state or have a very incomplete understanding of it. There is much to consider , so this should not be shocking.
Some go beyond what is written. This person might have much truth, but usually over states one area of truth
,at the expense of like most of the time it is a mix of truth and error taking place.
When a non cal tries to offer correction to this second person...most times it will be rejected because the non cal offers a weak both are in error! Strawmen do not help here either.
The will of man is an issue.
Man does:
and seek...Jesus as Lord and Saviour
The only reason is God works in Him savingly drawing and regenerating him giving a NEW HEART.
the result is.....the man comes, exercises faith,etc.
Anything beyond this is error on either side....Falsely ascribing bad motives to,or Limiting God, or exalting man are the error.
To define it further one needs more specific questions,and sometimes much study with many portions of scripture being compared.:thumbsup: