"Hope the rapture comes first , but ----!!?"
I've got to agree with you - reading the initial posts, I wondered how everyone seemed short - sighted to be thinking this is something like the printing press, which God used at that time to spread printed materials to the common person - though preaching didn't go obsolete, it increased as commoners had more access and interest in understanding and obeying the whole counsel of God.
We are most likely near the tail end of the tale, with tribes and tongues being reached, a third Temple more possible than ever, technology and apostasy making an Anti-Christ more likely. So the question is a little moot. If anything, paper based books should be obsolete, since most of the world doesn't have access to them, either because of poverty or persecution.
In my opinion, a cozy nook is equally comfortable with an e-reader or a paper book, though I actually prefer e-readers since I have to fumble with a book, using two hands (lazy me, right), to turn pages, and an external light source. The e-reader is light as can be with an internal light and likely to become even less weighty with micro-technology. I can also put 10,000 books into a meaningfully categorized library, not just on that one device, but multiple with backups.
And yes, I believe that electronic terrorism would be a great way for enemies to dismantle us, and paper bibles will afterwards be valuable. That has happened in Nazi Germany and Communist Asia. We are talking from our 1st world citizen's perspective when we neglect to consider those histories. When that happens to us here, we need to have already by that time hidden God's word in our heart - revive the lost art of Bible memorization starting yesterday. But also rely on God's grace. He provided Bibles to those who asked for them in persecuted situations. He'll also bring His daily word to us like Elijah at Cherith.
Another point, how many of those responding are under 30? (I'm 40 this year). The 20 year olds out there have grown up with devices, and for those 10 years olds (my one year old can operate Android and iPhone OS!).
Final point - keep making disciples, don't cloister yourself up so much anyway. Get out and invest your life in a person - friend, family, neighbor, enemy. You are the only Bible some people will ever read. Will "go and make disciples" dissolve in obsoletion?