Your theology professor would revoke your degree if he saw that you posted this clearly worded...
Shame on you. You continually claim to know better, then resort to the gutter and strawman arguments to further your cause.
Yep, this is what I've been saying.
It amazes me the trail of verses used to lead to his illogical conclusions, strawman #1, #2, #3, #4 parade by, followed of course by the typical follow up reply of one of the crew, with mutliple thumbsups.
I find it amusing and see such as quite sophomoric in nature. I loved the "disengenous"{sic} label cast upon me. I think he meant disingenuous, which means lacking in frankness. Heavens sakes, I thought I was pretty frank about it. Perhaps the "hypocritical" part is what he meant. Who knows? Who cares? It wasn't even correctly spelled! :love2:
Yes yes, we know, people go to hell for unbelief. Nonsense. They go to hell for being sinners, who happen not to believe, who are headed there as we speak, and the only way to escape this is to believe.
This thing that God overlooks sins (whichever version that is) is simply misunderstood to portray that God has simply not been taking them serious, you know, as He has throughout history. Hence, this needs to be interpreted correctly, as it has not been for obvious reasons.
Note also the reference wasn't given. Why? Well, because the context doesn't support his interpretation.
Thus its not "for" unbelief, they are already headed there, it's for being lost.
Now, did Jesus die on the cross for unbelief, or for the sins of the whole world, that condemn the word in guilt, in order that in believing in Him, His people may come out of the condemnation of sins (eternal death) and become His? Yes, He died for the sins of the world, to save His people from their sins. And the unbelieving and otherwise will remain right there where they were; lost and dying in their sins.
I wonder, are there any in hell right now who have never heard? You bet. And natural revelation/general revelation isn't another Savior for them, Christ alone is. People love to pretend that this is, and also say by what they do with that knowledge, they are saved. Not so, it's not by works, or behavior modification based upon general revelation. It's Christ alone, and He came to save His people from their sins. This passage presents men as being without excuse, and proves men lost, not the gen/nat revelation saves.
Glfrederick, you gave a nice list of verses a while back. Thanks for that.