Christ does not offer anyone anything.
He promises eternal life to those who believe on Him
Like I stated, he offers (or promises) eternal life through his death and resurrection. Same difference.
My "sect" is the same one that Paul was accused of being part of
You are a member of a particular denomination, one with it's own doctrines. We believe our doctrine follows that of the Apostles.
Respectfully, we don't worship God in a building that's built like a temple and has an altar.
Yeah, I know. I have been in Baptist churches. Yes, you eschew the altar for the pulpit. The earliest Christian churches all had altars, now there must have been a good reason for that, right?
We don't need a temple, we are His temple
He builds the temple, and it is a spiritual one, not a physical one
I agree, but you still go to some building to worship with your fellow believers, don't you?
The Gospel is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not John Smythe, and it does not belong to the Catholic Church.
But you have aligned yourself with a particular denomination that has it's own scriptural ideas do you not? You take your initial Christian belief's from them and the Baptist faith tradition did indeed begin with Mr. John Smythe.
It is the Gospel, and it existed centuries before what we now know as the Catholic Church ever came into being.
The Catholic (Universal) Church came from the beginning, it was the church that evolved from the days of the Apostles. All the writings of the early Fathers of the Church (the Bishops) and what they believe doctrinally are in sympatico with the Latin Rite and even the Eastern Orthodox faith tradition of today.
We believe and accept that Christ is risen, and that the cross had a purpose...
You betcha!
We don't dwell there, nor do we permanently immortalize and try to capture one moment of His suffering for us in an image.
Well the Scriptures seem to say otherwise. Over and over again it is the sacrifice, his sacrifice that is brought to the fore. It is that moment on Calvary that, his passion, that Jesus says for us to immortalize, his permanent memorial, to repeat over and over again in worship. In your own words you reject that and I thank you for reclarifying your belief for us.
Sitting at the right hand of our Father, making intercession for us.
Triumphant over sin, death and Hell, and waiting to rule as He rightfully should.
On that we can agree!
We also wait as patiently as possible to see Him again
We got this up one up on you. We see him and commune with him at every Mass we attend, he is right there in the most holy of sacraments, the Holy Eucharist. With your professed love of him you should be running to receive him in the Holy Eucharist, but alas you do not do so. Sad for you, a joy for us.
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