I understand what you are saying. The point I was trying to make is that "Baptist" refers to a few distinctives within a broader Christian faith. Some include more, but at a minimum we have a belief in the local church as a "free" and autonomous church (a rejection of the RCC system of church government), a belief in baptism by immersion (a rejection of sprinkling), the "priesthood" of the believer (a rejection of the RCC priesthood), and the supreme authority of Scripture (a rejection of the RCC doctrine of the authority of the RCC over Scripture).
If you reject the Catholic church as being a legitimate church, its authority, its baptism, its pope, and its priesthood and embrace the Baptist posistion on those points, then I agree you ate Baptist. The Catholic part is up to them, but unless they have changed you can't reject those Catholic doctrines and remain in good standing with the RCC.