Thanks for responding Willis.:wavey:
You're welcome------>:wavey: back @ you.
I see why we disagree in part.
I agree with you. I see why we disagree, but let's not do this in hatred. There's too much from Genesis 1:1------->Revelation 22:20 for us to agree upon to have a "falling out" with each other.
I am glad we agree on the Blood of Jesus, and some other things.
Right here is a prime example of what we agree upon.
One main difference is that you have man being born innocent, scripture declares Him born in sin and seperated from God.
Not true. I do not have man being born innocent, but rather, not guilty. Here's the difference. I am sure you read my analogy of the child who accidently shot and killed their sibling. Now, they were guilty of killing, and no one could disprove this otherwise. But this wasn't murder. Murder is killing
WITH intent......IOW, a motive behind it. This child, if ever placed before a jury trial, would be found not guilty, and not innocent. To be found innocent, would mean the child didn't fire the weapon that killed their sibling. They would be found not guilty, because, eventhough they did kill, they do so without knowing the ramifications of using a firearm. Children, when they lie, steal, cuss, "back-sass", or whatever else sin they commit, did so without knowing the ramifications of these sins. When I was in second grade, we would get out on the play ground and cuss like sailors. We thought it was something to talk like our daddies. I didn't know that I was sinning before a Righteous God. I knew that if I was caught by the principal, my "bum-bum" would be warmed-up, and when word got to my parents, I would get another "reheating" at home. I knew it was wrong in their sight, but not God's. I didn't know the ramifications of my sins before God. Now, when God showed me I needed to serve Him, then I felt the ramifications of these sins being placed upon me, and that if I died then, hell is where I'd be.
God holds every person accountable.
Agreed....but not from birth, let alone conception.
Death was both spiritual, and physical at the fall....not just physical death.Adam lived many years after the fall.
God told Adam that when he ate of it, he'd die. When his eyes were opened, he died spiritually right then and there, and the "sentence of physical death" was placed upon him, Eve, and all mankind. This is what got passed down from Adam's sin, the physical death sentence, and not his sins.
You went to 1 Cor 15:22 in the other post...if only physical death is in view...the verse does not make sense....
It does when you leave it to say what it does, and leave Calvinism out of it. Regardless of how "saved" any of us are, we are going to die, period. We can not escape this, no matter how godly we live. We die spiritually when we knowingly and willfully commit sins.
Even the unsaved are raised to second death.....
Agreed. Never stated otherwise.
they never enter spiritual life....
Agreed. Never stated otherwise.
the unsaved are never "IN " Christ.....
Agreed. Never stated otherwise. Now, I am giving you something to "gnaw" on. The OT Prophets, High Priests, and Judges, they did many wonderful works while being moved upon by the Spirit, correct? Show me where the likes of Samuel, Joshua, Moses, Aaron, Samson, et al, had the permanent indwelling of the Spirit. To be "indwelt" with the Spirit, is to be
in Christ, no? So, they were "saved", yet not indwelt with the Spirit. Even the donkey that spoke, the Spirit spoke through said donkey....so I guess the donkey was "in Christ", too?
something to ponder Willis...my friend
Yes, it is something to ponder. I just hope and pray you ponder on what I showed you.
Another thing....the scripture does speak of an inner man,and an outward man....
An accord.....hallelujah.
but God saves the whole man....as an intact person...
I dunno about that....got scripture to back this claim up. If the whole man is saved, then there would be no warfare betwixt the outer and inner man.
sometimes when you are trying to dispute ....it almost like you are drifting on this and not quite making it back Willis......stay in the ballpark:laugh:
I am always in the ballpark, just not your side of it:laugh:. I hope and pray that we can both learn from each other, even if we disagree, and boy, do we ever. May He richly bless you, your wife and kids this weekend. May He ever keep His hands upon you as you travel throughout this grand country of ours.